Help!!!plats leaves are curling on the edges badly!!


Well-Known Member
this morning i wet outside to see that on about 1/3 of the leaves are curling on the edges and going a patchy pale gree colour i think its due to heat stress cause were getting temos up to 40 these days.they are about 15cm tall and have about 5 nodes and i just topped it!!

please help :peace:


New Member
That would help others. The only thing I could think of is putting a shade up but that would be defeating the purpose a bit.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
You could use a lot more perlite in your soil. The extra Aeration material will help keep the soil temp down.

Imagine being buried up to your neck in mud in a giant clay over and left out in the sun all day.

I suggest you transplant to a fabric pot, like a SmartPot (not expensive), and incorporate some perlite in your new soil mixture. Remove whatever old soil you can without hurting the root ball.

Plants that are transpiring quickly will go through a lot of Potassium, so keep your eyes peeled for damage from a K+ deficiency.


Are the tips that are curling getting crunchy? Ive seen this with nute burn as well as nitrogen over dose. Thats my guess. Personally I would flush with just PH water. Less is more on many strains.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
It would allow for more air to flow through the soil. Think of it like opening the window or turning on the fan. Doesn't really drop the temperature but the breeze helps you stay cool.

They are also proven at increasing root mass via air pruning.


New Member
this morning i wet outside to see that on about 1/3 of the leaves are curling on the edges and going a patchy pale gree colour i think its due to heat stress cause were getting temos up to 40 these days.they are about 15cm tall and have about 5 nodes and i just topped it!!

please help :peace:
The heat is not the problem... I am in Arizona and I have never had a problem with heat stress... I am thinking you have a Nutrient problem.. If you know your NPK... I would say it is lacking N... The leaves will curl at the tips when you are low on N.... So find a way to give it N before it gets tooooo stressed out and dies....


Well-Known Member
Your not low on N. It looks like your humidity is way low. Can you put up a cover of clear poli so they're not in the direct sun? I'd also be misting the leaves.