Help please. 2 weeks into flowering. yellowing and browning


Active Member
So i am 2 weeks and 3 days info flowering and my bottom fan leaves look like this
Only the fan leaves, so should i be worried? I have read the deficiencie thread and have been reading but cant figure it out. My ph is fine. Using tiger bloom, beastie bloomz, and mollasses. Please hell dont want this to hurt my already tiny harvest


Well-Known Member
Doesnt seem like a major problem . week2 of flower is when i start to increase the pk of my nutes . I am not familiar with the nutes you use so i cant really comment on defficancies . But from just looking at youre pictures I dont think you need to worry 2 much the rest of the foliage looks to be doin fine. One thing i did notice was the size of youre pots they look really small?


Active Member
Thanks, im in a pc box limited space. I was given 3 clones and i just lst'd a little (already topped) and put em straight to 12/12 didnt wanna shock them and really just want to get them out of the way soon, moving my grow area. I was a little worried cause i never seen them yellow so early.


Well-Known Member
The leaf is burnt so Nute burn is one problem but there's something else. What's your feeding schedule??


Active Member
I feed every other watering with half the recommended dose. I have been feeding with mollasses EVERY watering and recently stopped, could this cause defincie? Its at my bottom fan leaves but I can see the next set of fan leaves lightning up. First day i saw the yellowing i flushed the shit out em. Its on all 3 my plants now, bottom fan leaves, the one in the picture showed the yellowing first. If they are rootbound should i gently transplant??? Dont wanna hurt em.


Active Member
I would transplant. While you are transplanting take a look at the root mass. What color is the root system? Is it white or a light tan color or is it a dark brown or blackish color? I think it is just root bound, but if the roots are discolored than you may have a root fungas.
Do you wait until the soil is DRY befor watering? Overwatering, or watering while the soil is still damp, can cause root problems.
Transplanting does not hurt or even shock a plant as long as it is done gently and the root ball is not damaged in the process.
Don't try a whole bunch of different things at once to try and correct the problem as that can get you into more trouble. Transplant, wait a week and see what happens, then if it gets worse then go to plan B.


Active Member
Also molassas is used to feed the micro-organisms and benificial bacteria in the soil. It does nothing for the plant itself. I have never seen the results of too much molassas, but it sounds as if you may be overusing it. ( I personally use only about 1 tablespoon per gal of water every other feeding for mine)


Active Member
Thanks, and what i was saying was i did use it every feeding and dropped before the yellowing happened. Does anyone think Its cal or mag def??

mr wrong

Well-Known Member
hey mate, my lastgrow did this too, and my current plants, two weeks and one day into flowering are also doing the same. My last grow it continued from bottom of plants to the top, id say covering approx 15-20% of the plant by the end .Didnt seem to worry her tho, i still ended up with my best harvest ever. nothing was wrong with my roots eother. I used a fifty litre pot with a finishing size of three an a half ft. I have started using advanced nutes calmag this grow, only during flower as its bloom specific and it hasnt made a differenceso i suspect it wasnt calmag def. Ill see how it plays out. Pm me if u work what it is as im keen to know hey.


Active Member
What's the NPK?
Looks like mine. I added a little nitrogen for a couple of feedings and it stopped the yellow progression