Help please - Are cold temps the reason for new growth going purple?

go go kid

Well-Known Member
yes its the cold, ive got 2 clones that i was experimenting with via letting them flower under natural daylight hours. they started turning purple and then flowering slowed down and i have what look like buds but with no pistols growing from them. i was expecting there to be more in the way of growth, but learned the hard way that they just wont flower under daylight here in the uk


Active Member
Cut back on the flower nutes. Give a small amount of that 1-1-1 for now. But get the veg nutes. The npk is 4-3-6 and is fairly balanced.
Gave a good dose of 1-1-1 and the yellowing has spread to other leaves :oops:

The Closest thing I can find is NPK(MGO) 6+4+6(+2) picking this up tomorrow

It also has Calcium. CalMag is something I've not added at all (and can't for the life of me find it in country, joys of living in a country where you're not a native speaker!)

Keep your fingers crossed lads we're in for a bumpy 48 hours


Active Member
The yellowing seems to have slowed, I lost a couple of smaller leaves that most people would tell me to defoliate off anyway, and there's a few sun leaves that are too far gone to ever recover, I'm going to let the plant completely cannibalise them because I figure it might act as a bit of a buffer whilst the nutes get taken up

Hopefully that should be the end of it, today I've noticed the tric formation has really stepped it up a notch, still thinking I'm about a month out, but thanks for everyone's help and advice :D


Active Member
A little bit too heavy even with 1 ml of a regular garden nute, but the lower leaves have developed a nicer green colour and the ones that were going yellow haven't gotten any worse, I'm going let them dry out and give a flush with distilled water on Monday to balance what seemed quite a high PH at run off at around 7

Thanks again for everyones help, after the Flush I'll defoliate the bottom a little to increase airflow down there

The most dreaded question I know, this is week 8 since germed, coming into week 4 of Flower, I'm thinking it's at least a month out?

