help please asap : BUGS!


so i have 5 plants. i vegged about a month and now they are on third week of flowering. My tallest plant, which looks great like the rest, is starting to have numerous amounts of small spiders on the top parts of the plant. I am drenching with AzaMax weekly and it did look like the spider things started to go away but they are still on the plant. I have been wiping my buds daily and checking on them and wiping the spiders off as often as possible. They are very small are hard to see and almost an orange color. They make there webs inbetween where the stems split and i noticed they seem to web more near some purple stemmed leaves I have on the plant. I do not know what to do can anyone help me pleaseeeeee. It has not spread to my other plants and it has probably almost been a week. The spider things are not on the whole plant just towards the top buds. The plant looks healthy and fine too. If you need some pictures let me know I am concerned for this baby of mine and want her to live and grow up healthy.


Well-Known Member
it works much faster if you hit the bugs and areas there feeding on with the neem/azamax.
neem acts like a hormone, almost like xanax for pests. it messes with there bio rhythms, and they forget to eat, mate, and really do anything productive, untill they starve or die of old age.
spider mites hatch every 3 days, and you have to keep killing them off untill the life cycle is completely interrupted.
though if your plant is flowering, that might create problems with bud rot/mold. feeding it into the soil is good, but it will take way to long to get rid of them like that, and it wont do much for any eggs that are already laid. if you can see the webs, the infestation is worse than you think, in my opinion. if they havent spread to the other plants yet, its only because the one plant is big/healthy enough to support the current population levels. look for tiny white dots on the fan leaves, its scarring from mite bites...
it also helps to spray down everything close to the plants, (floors, walls, ceilings) so that it makes it difficult for the little bastards to travel from point a to b, if you dont want to spray the plants directly.

the way i understand it, and i may be wrong, is that soil feeding the neem to the plant is intended to be a preventative treatment/fungalcide, and not as an active treatment/insecticide. your also supposed to use a higher concentration for spraying/insecticidal use, the product i use is 2 tablespoons concentrate per gallon of water for spraying, and one tablespoon for soil treatment.


wow dam. thanks for all that info. im going to get something i can spray the the azamax out of to get a foliar spray or whatever. You scare me saying the white dots are mite bites...i definitely see the bite marks. Its not bad but i can definitely see the bites throughout the plant on the fat fan leaves. The webs are very very minimal and i rarely even see any but i do swipe up most the bugs i see myself but i know its not enough. I hope i can spray this plant and rescue it.


Active Member
Buy some lady bugs and put them in the room....I put 5-10 per plant before the mites show up...if they happen to come around, I add a bunch more...they'll be gone in 2-3 days....1,500 lady bugs will cost you between $6-$10 and worth every dollar...Just don't put too many or else they get annoying and all over you :)
If they are only on one plant (so far) make sure it is not touching the others as the mites will spread. Get a couple of hot shot pest strips from Lowes and put close to the plant and that should kill them off.
If they are only on one plant (so far) make sure it is not touching the others as the mites will spread. Get a couple of hot shot pest strips from Lowes and put close to the plant and that should kill them off.
Azamax foliar spray has been working well for me. Use a wetting agent when you apply. I did it once a week for three weeks and the mites are pretty much eradicated. If they don't respond to that I also like Fox Farm "Don't Bug Me" but you have to spray that shit at night and you might get mold.