Help Please. Big Problem!


Active Member
hey guys, i did my first cabinet grow few months or so back, and i had 2 plants, first plant wasnt doing so good cause it had a bunch of shit it had to go thru wont go thru details, but the smoke and high was pretty good and actually looked pretty good for a bagseed, but i have another plant which is also bag seed and is twice as big as my other plant that i harvested a month or so back, but my problem is that its like 95 degrees outside and in my house its kinda same, i dont have any ac at the house at all, so moving my cabinet in any room in the house wont do any good, so the temp in my cabinet is like 90+ possibly 100+ lights on day or night, and it look like she's dying, what should i do with her? should i start harvesting or what? i will post a picture here later tonight if my laptop allows me to, lol, and if you could tell me how many more weeks i should wait, sorry for my post being a lil bit messy and what not but i just need the help and i aint a good writer. lol. advance thx to everybody that could share a input in my problem.


Active Member
the heat is pretty high, if you can't find a way to keep it cool, harvesting now may be your best option.


Well-Known Member
Run the lights at night when its cooler if you have a basement move it down there.


Well-Known Member
Lola to me your over watering or the humidity is to high. I'd flush her and harvest next week.


Well-Known Member
I like the basement/partially underground idea. It helps keep The heat down. I had a crazy idea but what if you put 5gal buckets of ice in the with the plant would that bring the heat down a little?


Active Member
first and foremost thx for the replies guys. im pretty sure im not over watering the plant, cause each time i water it the soil is pretty much bone dryish. putting it outside is not a good idea, i got no spot to plant it and it might get stolen like the other pot plants around here in the city and nearby city, yes, teenagers with no life walk around woods, cornfields etc lookin for pot plants. i cant put it in the basement cause i got no plugs downthere, its more like a old basement wine cellar kinda thing, its shitty down there might have snake or rats downthere lol. so any other advice people?


Active Member
an extension chord will reach the basement. Put AC in the tent/shed/room. BIG blocks of ice with a fan blowing across them towards the plants 24/7 (this method is a lot of work) I'd go for the basement, on a table. Vent in some fresh air.


Active Member
and my lights are running at night for the most part. i got plenty of airflow in my cabinet, just not enough to cool it since the temp in the house and outside its just plain stupid hot.


Active Member
The only thing that concerns me with the basement is possibly the humidity which is why I suggest the air flow. Your temps are too high where you have it now, correct? NO AC, can't put outside, what's left? Your light may take out some of the humidity in the basement. If this was my predicament, I'd get a good sized extension chord, and set it up in the basement ASAP. I would set the tent up, raised off the floor, check the temps and humidity after I have it up and running, lights on and off, and see what it shows.


Active Member
basement wont work, i got no where to run my cords and such, plus to go to the basement ill have to go outside, so i cant run extension chords and leave my door open. i have a mini fan i build that adds a lil airflow to the cabinet, then i have a mini oscillating fan like an 6-8 inch one might be a 10 im not sure. full blast and is blowing start to my plant, i have 2 xbox 360 fans, the one inside the 360, obviously, and i have a box fan, its pretty big prolly 2 foot tall 2 foot wide maybe a lil bit smaller, and i throw that in the cabinet when i wake up at 6:30am then remove it from the cabinet around 4/5pm to give me some air. lol. i water it when the soil is kinda bone dry, the top looks really really dry so i just water it, but i usually water it once a day, every morning, cause one time i forgot to water it for a couple days or so and it almost kinda died. and watering it once a day seem pretty good for it, might stop watering it and see how it is


Active Member
ok, so I won't suggest drilling a hole in the floor out of sight or possibly dropping the chord down a heat duct. Good luck


Active Member
I’d hit up the net and find myself a cheap window ac for ur room then u aint got to worry about this anymore


Active Member
you guys know how much a cheap ac unit cost? and i dont know the ducks in the house, justr moved here 2 months ago and ducts are pretty shitty, basement is shitty and shit, looks like where fucking lil kids get taken to and get abused kinda lookin basement, like the one on tvs. just sayin. so basically im fucked straight in the ass with a dildo if i dont get an ac unit. so besides the ac all i can do is harvest it. and lookin at the picture how many more weeks do you guys think my plant needs?


$149 home depot free shipping might as well get one cause im sure you're sweating balls i live in texas and it's hot and humid like a mother


Active Member
^ just checked homedepot and the cheapest one they got cost 99 bucks, gonna stop at their store tomorrow after work if i can, like you said might as well get one cause its fucking hot as fuck. lol


Active Member
bump, from the picture i posted, if these temp keeps going like this how long do you think my lady could last before i should chop it down. btw i have a small 6-8 inch fan blowing straight to her and another pretty big bog fans about 18 inch tall and wide blowing straight at her too, then i also got 2 xbox 360 fans one intake one outtake and a mini fan i made helps a lil bit of airflow. i was gonna buy a cheapo ac unit but my job didnt pay me today then when i do, i forgot i have to do my truck payment. so im not sure if ill have the money to buy a cheapo ac unit yet, so worse case scenario i will have to let my lady be and chop it down early. thx in advance for the input. :D