Help please. Browning hairs during flowering stage 5 week of flowering, normal?


I am 5 weeks into flowering and there is are brown hairs starting to take over take the white healthy hairs, is this normal? is this Bad, what do i do?


Active Member
I think ur probably okay...are they turning all at the same time, or gradually? Do they appear to be dying and shrinking back into the bud? Cuz if so then its probably normal, but if you put up some pics someone could tell u for sure.


Active Member
not enough info... browning is never good, and neither is early maturation. generic answer off the top of my head; browning could be fert burn, could be bud rot. if plant is maturing too early could be a hermaphrodite issue. if the light source is too close- could be a heat issue. need to know yer nute regiment/brand(s) also environmental conditions for this to be a specific answer- also a few pics wont hurt. is it only the pistils browning(possible early maturation?) or is plant material behind/under pistils browning as well? is the browning material crispy? what does the plant look like down low?


I am 5 weeks into flowering and there is are brown hairs starting to take over take the white healthy hairs, is this normal? is this Bad, what do i do?
I was mistaken, the brown hairs started to occur in week 3 of flowering, i assumed it was caused from the nutrients that i used but i flushed each plant with 5 gallons of fresh reversed osmosis water but they still seem to get more brown.


sorry, cant get a picture up. the temps and heat are definetly okay, its just on the upper bud sites pistils and not all of them are brown just most of them on the site, they seem to have to trichomes on them, the literally seem to be burnt! any information would be really helpful!


Well-Known Member
they might of been pollinated. are the caylxes swelling up or no? It could also be that those pistils were old and died, old pistils dying and new ones being formed to replace them is normal. W/o a pic i cant really do much more than that and narrow it down for you. how far and what kind of light are you using? hold the back of your hand under the light at the height of the the plants top for 30 second to a minute, if it feels uncomfortable your light is to close.