Help Please! Bugs in soil, no sign of plant yet ~!


Please help! I'm a city boy so i have 0 clue on what i am seeing. I have put my seeds in plastic cups under 18/6 two days ago, temperature is between 24-26C humidity around 40-44. Today i woke up and i check if anything came above surface of soil yet, but nothing yet, EXCEPT 2 types of bugs i saw. One was PINK really really small kind of like a small SPIDER was crawling slowly on the surface, then it crawled back underneath surface of soil. The other was fast, somewhat bigger looked like a fly without wing but might had wing i couldnt catch, it had grayish color. I use BioCanna Terra soil, i heard that fungus gnats are a big possibility with this soil, so i feel that 2nd bug i described could be that. Any ideas what these might be and solutions against them? At the moment i don't have any pest control at home so it takes a few days until i can get it, please advise on any homemade and shop solutions as well. If possible organic only!!! Thank you!