Help Please!! Droopy and limp leaves and branches!!


Well-Known Member
My branches are sagging bad all of the sudden. I read a bit and it seems like under watering. Is this possible?


Well-Known Member
hi, im a bit of a noob but yes under watering can do this, but so can overwatering i believe if you could post more details ie set up feeds type etc and maybe a pic then people will be able to give you a better reply, ive been through the mill a bit myself with this sort of thing but the more info you can give the better reply youll get, good luck and dont panic!!


Well-Known Member
I was watering my plants (10 days flowering) every day lightly and 1 day it seemed as though alot of water drained out so I decided to not water for a couple days and when I checked on them they were drooped out pretty bad. I have a cheapo moisture meter and it told me they were pretty dry but like I said I had just watered a couple days before.


Well-Known Member
Ok, if your 10 days into flowering the it is very doubtful that overwatering is the problem. Overwatering is a problem that is seen in young plants that haven't had time to build up enough of a root system to handle all the water you are giving them (in effect you are drowning the plant because it can't pull the water out of the soil fast enough), but once a plant hits the 12 inch mark it's roots are usually capable of handling as much water as the pots soil will hold.

Underwatering is easy to see in older plants, because they do exactly what you are describing- All of a plants rigidity is the result of water pressure, so if it's drooping there isn't enough water available to maintain the pressure to keep everything rigid. It starts pulling water away from the outer leaves and branches to maintain the main stalk, and thats what causes the droopy leaves/branches. I would suggest that you give your plants as much water as they can handle -water them until you start getting some run off out of the bottom of the pots from here until harvest (just make sure you drain off the run off so they aren't sitting in it). Just keep in mind that the plants will respond to the extra water by increasing their growth/bud production, and will end up needing more and more water as they get older. My plants that are 3 weeks into flowering are taking between .75-1 gallon a day, while the ones that are just a few days from harvest (I do a perpetual grow) need more like 1-1.5 gallons.