Great guys I appriciate all the help so far but I need some more unfortunatly

Since I lowered the levels yesterday I thought I would go in today and the plants would be looking alot more healthy. I was wrong they r worse.
1. The plants r still very droopy which is kinda expected because I didnt think they would turn perfect in one day, but I think they might be a lil bit more droopy than before.
2. The leaves r very droopy like i said but the very tips of them r curling up.
3. Some of the leaves r starting to feel a lil crunchy like around the edges and towards the tip more
4. Some of the tips r starting to show a lil bit of discolor. Some tips look like they r defantly turning yellow and some other tips look like they r turning a musty yellow tan look
I have posted more pictures, Sorry that they r not the best pictures as they r from my blackberry.
Also remember that I have placed water levels right below net pots and there r 1 - 1.5" of hydroton on bottom of pots before rapid rooter cube.
Also I thought that maybe the leaves were getting crunchy like because the lights were too close, so I just backed them off some.
Ph has been checked evry day and is kept between 5.5 - 6.0
The room temps stay between 75 - 80 F.
I am using GH 3 part Flora series nutes and the bottle said to use 1/4 tsp
which is about 1.5ml for cuttings and seedlings
I used less to make sure I didnt fry them. I used 1ml per gal
The rapid rooter cubes r starting to look very dry so I know that they r not flooded with water like before
Please anyone I need help!! I just cant seem to figure out what the hell is going wrong. I keep making sure Im doing everything right but my plants r showing differant and I cant afford to loose them as we all know how much seeds are. Any input is greatly appriciated!!