Help please guys


New Member
hi guys i have germinated my own cannabis seedlings which are now just over 2 weeks old. I started them off in the coco coir blocks and have been watering them using a ph of 6.5 only recently have i started using the plant start nutrients and i have only given them one feed with a e.c of 0.8 and given each one 150ml of nutrients and then just given them plain water. They seem to be coming along nicely and i have recently transferred the coco coir blocks into some 4 inch pots and topped them up with coco. I have recently noticed and you have to look rather closley to see it but i have noticed some red coming into some of the leaves ...... the red you can see is within the leaf itself and when you hold the plant under the light and turn it upside down you can see the colouring of red within the leaf...... could anybody tell me what this is please?????


Well-Known Member
You're going to need a good camera. As far as nutes go, I haven't grown in coco, so I'm not going to go running my mouth here.


Active Member
Those coir blocks are very cheap. But, they need a thorough rinsing BEFORE putting your babies into it. Many, if not most blocks, are full of salt that needs to be flushed.
A friends girls died because he didn't rinse out the coco blocks while hydrating it.

That's why I pay the extra & get the bags. Cheapest is $25, the best brand is $30. When you consider the return we get at the end of harvest, is it worth the few dollars saved going with the blocks? If you have to use the blocks, rinse, rinse again. And then RINSE again. If problems DO occur, at least you can rule out your medium as a possible cause if you start with the 'good stuff'.


New Member
I have tried to take some pics guys but the red on the leaves on within the leaves is so faint that the camera wont pic it up. when u tern the cuttings upside down and hold them under the light you can see it within the leaf...... my seedlings are just over 2 weeks old and i have got them under a 300 w low energy light. I have been watering and feeding them with plant start at 0.8 e.c and my tap water is 0.5 and with a p.h of 6.5 am i doint the right thing my giving them a little food at this stage and is my ph ok at 6.5?


Active Member
so what would u say the optimum ph is robbo?
In coco,its recommended to pH at 5.8 but sometimes i will go to 5.0 just for the pH
to swing a bit and catch those nutes that arnt absorbed at 5.8.
Have a look at the chart i put on for ya,you will see what i mean.
A pH of 6.5 is for soil.


New Member
yeh thats a great help m8 ty.... but i was told for seedlings to ph much higher at 6.5....... this is the first time i have geminated my own seedlings from scratch. Before i have just bought cuttings set them off in coco and perlite mixed on 18 hours veg cycle and ph between 5.8 and 6.3 and they have been fine i had an average 0f 8.25oz per plant that way. Do you have any advice of feeding patterns for my seedlings and what e.c i should be giving them? and how often i should be giving it them????? . I was also told to never reduce ph by more than 0.5 at any one time and to do it gradual over a period of time to prevent shocking the plants..... is this right?..... and as you have told me now to reduce the ph to 5.8 optimum what would be the best way you suggest going about it?.... thanks ur help is much appreciated


Active Member
Gradually lower the pH of your water/feed over a week or so.
If youve been pulling 8+ oz from one plant,it would seem you havnt been doing
much wrong,so i have no advice on the feeding.
But i found this for ya,Roseman
[HR][/HR]Originally Posted by Merlin85
I've been looking and looking but have not seen a reliable ppm chart for growing marijuana? I have heard people say use full strength, use half, use a quarter..I just want to know what you guys keep your ppm's at and when. If there is a nice chart somewhere out there that would be great too. Thanks! :)

PPM for Hanna Chart PPM

Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250

Early Vegging 300 to 400

Full Vegetation 450 to 700

Early Blooming 750 to 950

Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600

Note: EC Calculations are different, here's a conversion chart :
heres a great chart that shows how different PPM can be from meter to meter... EC is the only real universal language...

Remember to discount the ppm of your water.
Thanx to Roseman for this.
I hope this helps.


New Member
thats a great help m8 thanks....... so what do you average per plant and how do you feed in general? i tend to give 1 feed followed by 2 waterings of fresh water


Active Member
I have grown auto`s since i started growing just over 2 years ago.
They suit my small space,90x90x1.6cm.
My best yield from one plant was 2.5oz on my 1st grow.I have not been able to beat this yet.
I keep experimenting tho.Im on with organics and Super soil at the moment.
If i use chemical nutes,i feed/nothing/water/nothing/water/nothing/feed,so 6 days in between


New Member
in general i have never had no less that 4 per plant and that was when i first started ...... my best 8.25 per plant this was growing in coco and perlite..... hand feeding with vitalink grow sensical a and b.... then onto vitalink bloom....... sensical bloom a and b..... vitalink buddy and overdrive..... do you top ur plants? this helps and gives you a bigger yield? and do u de leaf? and how long do you grow for? i leave mine between 4 and 6 weeks in veg and i give them at least 8 and somtimes upto 10 weeks in flower


Active Member
I have never topped or fimmed my autos as im told they dont respond well to it.
I dont defoliate as the leaves provide food for the buds,i usually tuck them down and
i LST branches,which is about all i do.
There is no change of light cycles when growing autos,i use 18/6 from start to finish.
Some autos can be finished in 8 or 9 weeks,as can photos if you dont veg them.
I recently got some Cheese bagseed,which im presuming is from a photo plant,so i will
be giving them a go sometime soon.
I will give them about 4 weeks in veg,and whatever it takes in bloom,8 weeks or so.
Only a couple of weeks more than an auto.
Happy growing gaz.