help please : is this light deprivation? or should i worry? pics added

hi , hope you can help.

strain : SLH
light : 400 hps
system : NFT
nutes : vitalink easy grow / bloom
nute strength : 520 X5 scale , 728 X7 scale

I flipped the plants 13 days ago. they were very healthy. I have started noticing that under the outside canopy(the shade leaves are massive , 10" diameter, and kind of shade the entire inside of the plant.), at about the bottom third of the plant , the fan leaves are dying with black spots/patches. I have also had a hand full wither and fall off.

I fed them veg nutes 5 or 6 days after flipping. Then started on bloom nutes.

in the last 7 days the ph has risen from 5.9 to 6.5. I think i read on RIU that i should let my ph rise from 5.5 to 6.5, from veg to flowering. Can someone confirm or un-confirm this please.

flowering day 8 , i added bloom nutes 495 ppm x5 scale. day 9 this fell to 484, by day 11 had risen to 520(only added this to try give as much info as possible).

The 3 pics I had attached. One shows the plants from above. One shows the inside of the canopy at the bottom third of the plants. the other is a close up shot of one of the affected leaves.

SLH leaf prob 2.jpgSLH above.jpgSLH leaf prob 1.jpg

thanks in advance

hippy farming

no takes :/

its been 6 or 7 days since in noticed this problem. It started a week after i flipped them. It seems to have stopped. The leaves on bottom third of plant(the problem ones) dropped off or withered up. I take it this was the plant shedding the leaves that were not getting light, as this problem hasn't spread like a disease or a nute problem(this is just an educated guess). This also kind of answered another dilemma i was having, whether to trim off the fan leaves that were shading side shoots. I couldn't find a straight answer on RIU on that one. So i guess those on the side of "the plant will shed the leaves if it needs too" that seems to be true in this case.. plants are SLH

on the plus side,, this has allowed better airflow round the bottom of the plants, hope this info helps someone

hippy farming



Well-Known Member
I don't know what your problem is/was ha... I just try and read all the threads with no responses....
It looks like the leaf is/was just used up...
No NPK left over, and probably rested on the soil, so could of had soil from under eat at leaf...
Pick those dead old ones off... if it's that bad, pick it, otherwise the new growth looks great...
Good Luck man!