Help Please, my girl looks very ill


Well-Known Member
if it matters shes pyramid seeds tutankhamun

She's under a 400watt hps, 3 weeks and 4 days flowering, in some roots organic and a little bit of ocean forest, she was doing fine until a week ago, I started noticing yellowing at the bottom leaves, remembering my last two grows I thought it was normal, no worries, until this last saturday, she's been getting more and more yellow! and her leaves are curling up like if it was heat and wilting, but its not heat, its well ventilated, stays 75 most of the time the bud leaves well some of them are wilting and also doing the same as the bigger leaves!, I dont think its normal this early in flowering.
I fed her during veg grow big, was using 1 day evaporated water, then at flower started jacks classic bloom booster, I think I fed her too much though, -_-.. and so I completely cut off the nutes, and flushed with a gallon of RO water yesterday, but she got worse today!, I'm befuddled, I dont know what could be wrong, or what to do, I dont want her to die, any advice?

pictures down there



Well-Known Member
Yea looks like heat stress but if that's cool it could be too much nutes start off at 1/4 recommended dose. And make sure the pH is between 6.2 and 6.7


Well-Known Member
yes, and like a dumbass, i went over board sometimes too, i mixed a full dose in a gallon, 2 time I did it in half gallons, so that's why i flushed yesterday with a gallon of just water, but she got worse today
Ro water needs cal mag and next time use floraduo check into it its for veg and much nutrients your tips r burnt flush again and watch amounts. Flush at end with clearex flush or youll taste the nutrients good luck


Well-Known Member
Ok, so flush again with RO water and floraduo or any cal/mag plus formula in bits of amounts?

wont that drown her?


Well-Known Member
you should have flushes with 1/4 strength nutes...flushing was the right thing to do though...r/o water dont have anything in it...the goal of flushing, or leaching as it is supposed to be called, is to free the root zone of salt build ups...flushing with 1/4 strength does the same thing, while also continuing to give her supplements in small amounts and allowing you to fix the deficiency, or lockout all at the same time...which is easier if you dont have a ppm meter especially...if my opinion counts for anything i believe your problem is cal/mag...simple molasses can fix it if you dont have any cal/mag on hand.

edit: it also looks like it could be iron deficient, possibly because of the RO water flush...again a molasses fic, or cal/mag plus.


Well-Known Member
OK thanks Xlpaintplr , GreatWhiteNorth, and gobskiii on the advices, Im heading to my hydro store for some ph test strips and some cal/mag plus, and 2 more gallons of ro water, ima try it, i'll update this to see if helped a bit.