Help please. Plants are getting worse. (5 weeks into flower)

The eye of skynet.... the optical illusion of an air filter.... exactly now i need to pop the cubensis I spared for a special moment and meditate your whataboutism :)

Thats the reason to avoid 7 when you want to recycle the soil.

... and:
:lol: now it's gettin' interesting... c'mon teach me some....
That links goes to:

Theres a note:

Yeah HANDFUL is not recommended in the middle of the grow.... thats overkill, lol!

I note from my evident experience: "Some soil growers will add a gentle amount of dolomite lime powder during the grow, to simply adjust the PH if it dropped too low. This method is recommend in favor of adding Hydroxides of any kind, wether it be organic or inorganic."

They go on:

:lol: but how now, whats your solution, teeeeeeach me finally.....following the link.
That link then states:

So H+ and OH- is your solution, teacher?.... :wall: :rolleyes: There you have it again... a "noob" posting for growweeedeasy, leading other noobs, having no clue, just tryin' what everybody keeps trying, while the soil-pH does not obey, haha.

Man "I = groweedeasy"... who are you? :D "NO WAY you did learn "ALL"! :D The best method i've tried is what i noted above, adding gentle amounts of lime.

Try it! It just works with instant gratification. Soil obeys!

Gimme the bible, i bring an oath!
"I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth".
“SOIL” consists of (rock, gravel) sand, silt, clay and organic matter. In AGRICULTURE we lime fields to rise pH and also provide source of Ca in long term (breakdown 2 years). You are growing wheat or whatever its just fine next year you will grow in the same soil so you lime it accordingly to your crop demands. In HORTICULTURE we grow mostly in soilless, your pH range for “soil” is no longer valid there! You are not using that mix for years like soil on your field. I am not growing in soil and 95% people growing indoor neither. This is where the people start to chase nonsense pH numbers and blame it for their own errors.
“SOIL” consists of (rock
In case you don't know rock is stone...

Dolomite is a type of limestone

In HORTICULTURE we grow mostly in soilless,
But why?
The current projected volume of substrates consumed globally in 2019 is estimated to be 65 to 70 million cubic meters (m3). These estimates are difficult to accurately project due to the lack of requirements or standardization for reporting volumes and total sales of substrate materials by the manufacturers.
So the problem is the consumption... you mess up the soil and throw it away.... YES, thats what most growers do no matter if homegrower or professional-large-scale grower.

Dont you think recycling the soil intelligently is the best way to stop consuming new soil? :rolleyes:

I do that! And i need LIMES in HORTICULTURE with soil for it....
I am not growing in soil and 95% people growing indoor neither.
If you think that is true, that's stupid. In fact most indoor growers use soil.... I have proof:
The current projected volume of substrates consumed globally in 2019 is estimated to be 65 to 70 million cubic meters (m3).
Thats more than half a BILLION US-gallons of soil... ANNUAL CONSUMPTION!

NOT for making acres in the deserts.... :D Sure some lands outdoor in the garden-beds ... but the most of it gets wasted and thrown a way for indoor MARIHUANA world-wide :D Its the top plant grown indoors, for the profits of selling it on the black market globally (or legally in the USA just conducting "business", paying taxes), whatever. It's THE top crop consuming the most soil world-wide!
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There is no rock fraction... techno or country neither...:blsmoke:

But silty "loam" is there... it's rock... :rolleyes:
Alternatively Indie-wise :lol:

I just say they determine the PH more than anything else, no matter if bigger stones somewhere in the outter soils or powder soaked in your indoor pots, those buffer the PH to be stable in the direction of 7, thats their buffering capacity (for limestone), the texture of the limes matters only for effectivess indoors. Outdoors its not raining acids, just neutral or minimalistic slighty acidic rain with minimalistic amounts of H+. Adding up lime-"stone" textures onto or into your soil would simply take to long to release and have an impact at all.

You're not sayin' I'm wrong and I don't say you are wrong... all fine here.

Still im sure most people use soil... im not saying you are stupid, only "thinking that" is a stupid act. Maybe you are right 95% complicate things up avoiding soil, ne natural terrain of the plants, everywhere on earth, and maybe me thinking that is stupid... could be true, but still Im as conviced as you are. :) Maybe we are both thinking stupid, apes... and most aliens in the world grow on slime, earth is not the only place in the unknown universe :D

Did you know what happens when limestone goes away diluting?
In a landscape where limestone sits underneath the soil, water from rainfall collects in cracks in the stone. These cracks are called joints. Slowly, as the limestone dissolves and is carried away, the joints widen until the ground above them becomes unstable and collapses. The collapse often happens very suddenly and without very much warning. Water collects in these collapsed sections, forming sinkholes.
aaaaaaand... its gone!
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