HELP PLEASE - Purple Stem Bottom of leaves?

Hey i got a week and a bit old plant, fem strawberry blue. I call her karen.
I went away for the weekend and came back to karen with a little purple on her stem, but mainly on the underside of the starter leaves, and purple striping starting on the bottom of her new leaves. AS u might b able to c aswell some of the leaf tips r turning up.

I dunno wat it is can someone please help?
other than that shes looking great, any help is appreciated, thanks :)


Well-Known Member
I had this same problem for one on my plants awhile back....dunno what caused it. I just messed around wth alot of things until it fixed itslef, but by that point, the purple stem was the least of my worries. I had nute burnt my point pretty bad. Haha but I am still really curious why the stem was purple


Well-Known Member
I had this same problem for one on my plants awhile back....dunno what caused it. I just messed around wth alot of things until it fixed itslef, but by that point, the purple stem was the least of my worries. I had nute burnt my point pretty bad. Haha but I am still really curious why the stem was purple
this "problem" is naturally occuring with alot of seedlings of various genotypes

and you never changed anything that could have possibly made the plant "fix" itself

you guys tweak out way too much ... let the little fucker grow for a little bit atleast ...


Purple stems can indicate phos deficiency, but its just a seedling. jwop is right. Anything you do to it will probably make for problems. Give it a little time.


Oh yeah, and there is an old saying, "Never name anything you may have to eat." lol


Active Member
no need to be confused, this is very normal, it seems like karen is some sort of high breed, you just might have your self some real good weed, possibly skunk strain, i had a few of those, and they turned out real good.

I give a friend of mine a joint of that shit, and this was at 3am, he came at my house at 4am looking for more, so dont worry, just take good care of her and she will take good care of you.
Hey guys karen is doin alirght, but i have some severe twisting in the leaves, so any help on the cause would b appreciated. Also it has literally been rainin for two weeks straight so still i cant take you to the grow location. but im almost ready to step my bitch up to a new size pot. right now shes under one 100 watt cfl at about 3-4 inches away i dunno if that has any to do with the twistin, but its about 22 degrees Celsius and 70% percent hum in the canopy with constant fan blow so iunno.
havent fed her since sat and shes still doin great, but tonight im gonna drop some molasses into my grass clipping water and watching the jump. I think shes doin pretty good for a lonely week and 5 day old plant. feedback is welcome.
On a side note i broke my ph tester so im doin some guess work on the water right now, but it cant b doin her any good.

Also do you guys see those preflowers that i do, or am i goin crazy seems a little early, even for 24 hour light.

Thanks everyone pce


Have the Same problem. With a Plant that is roughly the same age. Didnt do anything about it yet i want to see if the problem persist. ill let you know