HELP PLEASE!!! what should i do ? have i ruined it ?


Well-Known Member
they will be fine. the sooner you get them into dirt the better..dont bury them to deep..ive had tails on sprouts like that 6 inch's long. the leaves will just keep growing up in the paper towel.
if i get a tap root that grows into the paper towel i tear the paper towel from around the tap root . dont try and pull the tap root out of the paper towel if it grows into the fiber.
good luck


Well-Known Member
just make sure they stay moist, they should be ok, the seed has enuff energy in its own self to be ok, remember at school u may have grown water cress in cotton wool, no nutes just water and light.


ive had that happen mine turned out fine just put a cfl buld over them until you room is ready , in the pic it seem all good the yellow is fine its just nutes not being present the soil should have just enough for those little girls, as long as no root damage happened looks good to me bro.


Active Member
ah wicked well i hope they stay alive cause i feel quite attached to them.

i am doing my diary now and will post a link so you can all stay updated :)


Active Member
Hey they havnt grown taller but they both grown 2 extra mini leaves.

one of the plant is green the other one is yellowish green.

they have had to be on my window sill until i got my grow shed ready.

its nearly ready and they will be in new soil under the 125w light with space blanket all round tonight.

so hopefully in the next few days they will grow :)

check my diary in my sig