Help please yellowing leafs

hi everyone

i have a load of BBcheese growing and alot of my upper leafs are turning green like the one in the picture also the tips of the leafs are browing.i was thinking nute burn but im not using that much, so maybe its not enough??

they are 4 weeks into flower and im using a 600w bulb

can anyone shed any light?



Well-Known Member
Looks like Mg deficiency. I would start adding 10ml per gallon of Botanicare's CalMag to your nutrient solution. Also foliar feeding once a day with 12ml per gallon of Thrive Alive B-1 (red label) will help bring green back to your leaves and make them stronger.


Well-Known Member
yeah my plants are flopping all over the place too, there really weak!
Do you have a picture of your plants. It could be the bud weight although I doubt that at only 4 weeks. I have had some plants that start to fall over due to buds being too heavy for the plants. I've also had plants thats stems support the weight of the bud through harvest. Post some pics. Another good additive that is dirt cheap is Dyna Gro's ProTekt. It's silica. You apply it at 2ml per gallon and it will increase the cell strength in your plant and also make your plant more resistant to stress from under watering and excessive heat. It's only $10 for an 8oz bottle which will make 118 gallons of nutrient mix.

If it's due to bud weight or just long stretched stems you can use bamboo to stake your plants.
i definitly not bud weight lol they have so many shoots it will be hard to bamboo them.they are cuttings from a plant i just harvested and got 3oz off using exacly the same nutes, i dont get it.i will have to go to my local shop and try and get the nutes u mentioned or of the plants is standing tall and the others have flopped to one side =(


Well-Known Member
I would say definitely get the CalMag. I use CalMag through my whole grow at 5ml per gallon from veg until mid flowering. When I am mid flower I up the CalMag to 10ml per gallon to help the plant with the higher PK intake from flowering additives.

ProTekt is so cheap for what it does that it's worth getting but you can get away without it if you can't scrape up the $10.

Thrive Alive B-1 isn't the cheapest thing on the market but it's a great product. If you're just foliar feeding you can get a $10-$15 bottle that's 250ml. Personally I love the stuff. I feed my plants 12ml per gallon in my reservoir from veg until flush and also use it as a foliar feed during veg and the first couple weeks of flowering. It results in the darkest green foliage that is super healthy and is almost leathery because it causes the leaves to become so thick and strong.


Well-Known Member
DSC00570.jpgits funny that u mentioned the stuff i had to go get some sunday im about to enter week 4 of 12/12 but answer this does the flowering time starts when u see the white hairs???
Looks like Mg deficiency. I would start adding 10ml per gallon of Botanicare's CalMag to your nutrient solution. Also foliar feeding once a day with 12ml per gallon of Thrive Alive B-1 (red label) will help bring green back to your leaves and make them stronger.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1911396its funny that u mentioned the stuff i had to go get some sunday im about to enter week 4 of 12/12 but answer this does the flowering time starts when u see the white hairs???
Flowering starts when you flip to 12/12. Example.... if you have a strain that has a 56 day flowering time then it will be exactly 8 weeks from the time you flip to 12/12 that you're ready to harvest (assuming everything goes according to plan)


Well-Known Member
Flowering starts when you flip to 12/12. Example.... if you have a strain that has a 56 day flowering time then it will be exactly 8 weeks from the time you flip to 12/12 that you're ready to harvest (assuming everything goes according to plan)
its from when u see the white hairs i.e first sign of flower not when u flip ive always been told


Well-Known Member
its from when u see the white hairs i.e first sign of flower not when u flip ive always been told
Somebody misinformed you. Sometimes pistils (white hairs) will even start forming before you go to 12/12 depending on the strain and sometimes they won't show til up to 3-5 days after 12/12.


Well-Known Member
thats whats up show em up bro
Not trying to show anybody up. I've been growing since September 2003 and have made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot of valuable lessons along the way. Even now I'm still getting better every grow. Just trying to help pass on what I've learned.


I would say definitely get the CalMag. I use CalMag through my whole grow at 5ml per gallon from veg until mid flowering. When I am mid flower I up the CalMag to 10ml per gallon to help the plant with the higher PK intake from flowering additives.

ProTekt is so cheap for what it does that it's worth getting but you can get away without it if you can't scrape up the $10.

Thrive Alive B-1 isn't the cheapest thing on the market but it's a great product. If you're just foliar feeding you can get a $10-$15 bottle that's 250ml. Personally I love the stuff. I feed my plants 12ml per gallon in my reservoir from veg until flush and also use it as a foliar feed during veg and the first couple weeks of flowering. It results in the darkest green foliage that is super healthy and is almost leathery because it causes the leaves to become so thick and strong.
@nomaninsf if you add the calmag do the leaves turn back to green? what happeneds if you were to leave as is?


Well-Known Member
@nomaninsf if you add the calmag do the leaves turn back to green? what happeneds if you were to leave as is?
CalMag will put a halt to further yellowing from deficiency. There's not a reason to leave it as is. There is a deficiency so you give it what the plant is lacking. Same thing goes for overdosing and causing nute burn but you'd do the opposite, flush and cut back. I use the Thrive Alive as a foliar feed to put green back into my leaves. I use Thrive Alive in my res also throughout all of my veg and most of my flowering.
thanks for your help, i flushed my plants for 2 days and have now treated the with a similar prductto thrive alive.hopefully they will be on there way back to good health

thanks nomaninsf


New Member
its from when u see the white hairs i.e first sign of flower not when u flip ive always been told
Flowering starts when you flip to 12/12. Example.... if you have a strain that has a 56 day flowering time then it will be exactly 8 weeks from the time you flip to 12/12 that you're ready to harvest (assuming everything goes according to plan)
You will hear both ways is correct. Advertised flowering times are only a guideline for choosing a strain. I consider flowering has begun once the plant actually begins to flower....


Active Member
What is foliar feeding? I also have this problem during the last month of grow. Going to try calmag today but I was wondering, do I feed them calmag every feed or every time I feed with nutes or just once? Please respond


Well-Known Member
What is foliar feeding? I also have this problem during the last month of grow. Going to try calmag today but I was wondering, do I feed them calmag every feed or every time I feed with nutes or just once? Please respond
foliar feeding is when you apply a plant food/nutrient though the leaves by spray the with a hudson sprayer or a squirt bottle instead of feeding the root zone. I feed my plants CalMag every feeding from veg through flowering at 5ml per gallon. I gradually increase to 10ml per gallon as I get further into flowering.

Some yellowing towards the end of your flowering is normal.


Active Member
foliar feeding is when you apply a plant food/nutrient though the leaves by spray the with a hudson sprayer or a squirt bottle instead of feeding the root zone. I feed my plants CalMag every feeding from veg through flowering at 5ml per gallon. I gradually increase to 10ml per gallon as I get further into flowering.

Some yellowing towards the end of your flowering is normal.
Sweet thanks. Well I already watered them yesterday so could I just put like 1ml calmag in a spray bottle and spray the plants?