Well-Known Member
Im not trying to be a dick but you guys cant test ph as easy as you say. You can test it all ya want but you cant get an accurate reading nor can you change it. Even if you could get a good reading , you cannot change it with a lil bit of "up". If you think your ph is around 5.2 then watering with a 7 will raise it ? No, that only works for 30 seconds.
You say your on week 6 of flower so im going to guess 12 weeks ish of being in that pot ? IF that is the case then the buffers they add to the soil may be getting low. (lime an oyster shell) IF that is the case then the mix will start getting low as the peat moss base it contains. Lets just assume all that happened, you simply cannot "fix it" by ph'ing your water. Within seconds of that ph'ed water going into the pot , the soil will buffer the ph to where the pot is at. Lime or another buffer is the only way to change soil ph in a short period of time. I invented the slurry test years ago and its still not accurate but its better then run off.
Take a cup of your "5.2" soil an mix it in a cup of water, wait 30 minutes and test it. it should read 5.2, Now, take your solution of ph'ed water/food and do the same test with a scoop of your 5.2 soil.....check the results. Its still going to say the same.
You say your on week 6 of flower so im going to guess 12 weeks ish of being in that pot ? IF that is the case then the buffers they add to the soil may be getting low. (lime an oyster shell) IF that is the case then the mix will start getting low as the peat moss base it contains. Lets just assume all that happened, you simply cannot "fix it" by ph'ing your water. Within seconds of that ph'ed water going into the pot , the soil will buffer the ph to where the pot is at. Lime or another buffer is the only way to change soil ph in a short period of time. I invented the slurry test years ago and its still not accurate but its better then run off.
Take a cup of your "5.2" soil an mix it in a cup of water, wait 30 minutes and test it. it should read 5.2, Now, take your solution of ph'ed water/food and do the same test with a scoop of your 5.2 soil.....check the results. Its still going to say the same.