HELP Please!

Ok - I have a couple different issues!

Spider Farmer 4000 LED in 4x4 tent
Two plants from same seeds - Sour Sister. Put into flower 12/12 two weeks ago.
Fox Farm Soil - transplant to 7 gallon pot 3-4 weeks ago.
VERY light nutes two feedings ago - gave MEDI 1 one part PLUS a little Fox Farm Tiger Bloom. Next fed plain water and then again only MEDI 1 at 1/4-ish dosage.

One plant is lovely. The other one looks really alot lighter color than the other and the forming buds look almost yellow. Both growing taller. I am including pics of both here.

Yellowish one with issue - First 3 images. Next both plants - yellow one in back. The other one that looks healthy is the next 2 images for reference.

Second tent 4x4 with another Spider Farmer 4000 LED - All plants doing great except one stardawg that went downhill quickly. Tops were yellow - very droopy, but wasn't very wet. FF soil with perlite. So I watered it. Then it was worse droopy and I thought I overfed it. (I gave some nutes and it got the bottom that may not have been mixed well). All other plants are overly green, but are doing ok. That one was horrible so I flushed it with plain water and it looks a little better, but still bad. Gave a very light dose of nutes after flush. It is still drying. Next pics are from that plant, it is back right and one other healthy stardawg back left. What do I do with this plant? Transplant? Toss it?

These plants are my first grows ever! The stardawg are photos and the other plants in the tent are autoflowers with the exception of front left (it is a Krypto).

Everything was easy til now! LOL! I think the one thing I did wrong is mix the nutrients the night before for use the next day with a bubbler, then didn't mix thoroughly before feeding. I figured the FF tiger bloom would help the autos too!



Well-Known Member
hey @newbie121212 , looks pretty good, the lighter color may mean shes hungry for some more N, I don't see any major issues and from what you said it doesn't sound like there's any need to sound the alarm.. may just be time to bump up feeding, and keep in mind cal/mag and correcting PH, I can't imagine you will have any trouble bringing these to finish in a few months or so


Well-Known Member
also worth mentioning you may have some of the tell tale signs of over-fertilization, slightly burnt tips and edges, still dont think it will prevent any of these from finishing if you keep dialing in.
Thank you - but i am confused - if I have over-fertilized... then need more N? Should I feed her next time with BOTH medi one and the FF Tiger Bloom? The really yellow one in the far right corner is a different plant in a different tent. That one is just not happy and it has clawing.


Well-Known Member
You can for example overload bloom nutrients while not giving enough nitrogen.

That would show a nitrogen deficit while also showing nutrient burns from to much bloom nutes.

Just an example.