help please


Active Member
I am fairly new to the growing game and seem to have overwatered, maybe over fertilized my plants, so much so that the leaves are all starting to curl down and under and some are twisting. Can anyone tell me... if I have overwaterd them is it still a good idea to flush them as this seems to be the only solution I can find.


Well-Known Member
it sounds like the claw which is usually a pH fluctiuation. so i would test the pH. if your scared that you overwatered flushing wont help. itll just be more overwatering. go get some pH paper or a pH tester from lowes. there not too expensive. how old is the plant. if it young you should avoid ferting it. itll get nute burn. wait at least three weeks from sprout to fertilize. if its in the MG potting soil with the slow release nutes do not fertilize until the plant starts to flower and even then cut the nuts reccomended in half.


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell without a pic.
How old is the plants?
What are you growing in?
What size is the pots?
What nutes you using.
What;s your watering schedule?
If you feel you've over nuted and have to flush then do so with 3 to 4 times the amount of water to pot size. Use ph'd water. Of course this doesn't help your over watering problem if that's the case and the only thing you can do is just don't touch them with any moisture until the medium your using has dried out a bit. You should only ever water when the top inch of the medium is dry. Use your finger as a gauge.
It may take 7 - 10 days depending on your set up and all you can do is watch and wait.
Give us some more info.


Well-Known Member
If you screwed up start at square 1.. repot.. clean dry soil.... water every 3-4 days when small, let roots look for water, not sit in it... no nutes till 1 month..Luck.


Active Member
The plants were planted a month ago and are now just over a week into the veg state, I waited about three weeks before adding nutes to the water, I got a bottle of biosevia at the hydro shop basically they said that it was the best stuff they had. I tested the pH of the soil and it was about 8 so I watered them after the soil was completley dry with some very weak nute/water solution which was about 5 on the pH scale so im hoping this should level it out and am now just waiting to see if its helped. Im drowing in a soiless mix with perlite, worm castings, peat moss and spaghnam peat which again at the hydro shop they said was the best they had for a small set up. I will try to put some pics up to show what they are looking like. Apart from the curling they seem good, a nice green colour abart from 2 of the youngest leaves are turning quite yellow.


Active Member
Here are some pictures to give you an idea of what theyre looking like, I just took them 5 minutes ago. Im hoping that there salvagable... if thats a word. are those big leaves normal?


Active Member
thanks for those links panta, that last one helped me. Tomorrow im going to go and get bigger pots for them as yesterday i checked the bottom of the pots and could see the roots sticking out, i didnt think of it at first but could this be a part of the leave problem?


Active Member
Hi i am a newbie here, Mike i have a lot of medical conditions most from a car accident and problems with my heart and a brain tumor, and need some surgeries just found this site and i love it , i hope i can learn a lot and get some good help as well, i been around the pain sites for years, i have used pot for pain control migraines control and mood and helps me a lot some times more than my meds. just wanted to say Hi to everyone.;-)


Active Member
Hey everyone, thanks for all your help, seems that it was a slight nitrogen defficiency and complete overwatering, after feeding them a little nitrogen and letting them dry out for a while they have perked right back up and look great, except the bottom few leaves are quite yellow and some have shrivled up and died, a guy I know just said to trim them off and it will be fine... does anyone agree with this?