help :) PLEASE


Active Member
ok, so i am at week 8 and strain says 8-9 so i figured 9 right? well i believe they are done??? what do u think??? trichs are 50/50 cloudy amber hairs are brown and receded. now here is my delema, I am usuing general hydrophonics general organics line, but they changed so quickly i didnt flush (or just stop nutes) and just water. do i still have time? will it hurt them to wait a few more days? also i have 2 other strains in my tent and they are almost ready but not quite and i wanted to put the finished ones in darkness before harvest... delema again will this hurt the other plants to go through darkness then back to 10/14? (not 12/12) i figure the ones not done have about a week atleast left.
thank you + rep for help TY :):leaf:

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
No it will not hurt them to go a bit longer. Personally, I'd stop feeding now, and let 'em go another week. Don't water them for the last three days and chop 'em!!

Nice looking Buds man. Well Done!!!!


Well-Known Member
It wont hurt them if you go a week longer. If your growing true organic you shouldn't really have a nute taste if you were to cut them then now, it's the curing the makes it tip top! When I'm ready to harvest I turn the lights of for 3 days then chop them. To me it pulls the rest of the good stuff out to it's prime. Some may disagree but to each his own! Good looking bro. + rept


Active Member
Thank you all!! This is my first grow so i am just a little worried ill screw it up lol:) So they wont get over rippened if i wait and heads fall off the trichs??? Sorry i read to much lol, so say today i use water for 2 or 3 days to flush then stop watering and put them in darkness? would that work? So another question.... so ive accidentally cut off a few nugs and they smell so yummy when first cut then i dried them and now they smell like hay??? grow 004.jpggrow 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
They need to be cured, the hay smell will go away.
+1, they have to be dried "cured" correctly to keep the smell and taste just right! Read up on how to do it, if done wrong with it will be too dry like the mexican weed or if kept jarred up to long it can grow mold! Dont worry it's not rocket science.