HELP !!! please


Im fairly new to this. I did one grow last year n it was ok. Had some issues but expected. I got a grow box it has about 96 sf. I have a t5 4 tube light and 4" booster tans from home chepo. My temp is at 79-80 f. My humidity is a sruggle to keep at 32%

My plants have these brown rust spots on them. It starts on the bottom leaves first n starys at the tip of the leaf. I was told it was a cal mag def. From my hydro shop. But their solution isnt working. I tried spraying a cal mag mix n that didnt help. I tried it wit autothrive that didnt do much either. Im starting to beleive its somthing else. OI used mutes last week at 1-3 ratio. I had in order cal mag botanicare pro gro . I have three plants n all are the same so on one of them i drained the res. N added 6.5 ph water n let sit. Still no real good signs of impro ement but it isnt even 24hr

Please help. I hqve no clue what to do. They r 6 weeks old now

Im posting pics as a comment.


Active Member
Chill dude.....Looks like Cal/Mag, stop adding all this shit and try one thing at a time, your ladies will go into recovery mode and will take 2 weeks to recover. Make sure your ph is sound and continue to treat with cal/mag plus. Are you using RO Water?


Chill dude.....Looks like Cal/Mag, stop adding all this shit and try one thing at a time, your ladies will go into recovery mode and will take 2 weeks to recover. Make sure your ph is sound and continue to treat with cal/mag plus. Are you using RO Water?

Thx. I am NOT using ro. Just regular tap n i keep the ph in 6.5,range. I i did a cal mag n progrow 1/3 strength. I did 2 feedings. I did the superthrive just recently. I didnt think it was a cure bit hoped it would help. Im just nervous cuz these r all the seeds i got n i dont wanna turn them male or kill them. The leafs get worse everyday. Even in the one pot i flushed n left at ph wTer only


Well-Known Member
...another plant saved! dont use too much Cal/Mag, 1/3 is probably good enough and let your water sit out for 24 hours before using it to vape off the chlorine. 75ppm is good for tap water. The Ph is the problem so just bring it down to 5.8 because you are using hydro and youll see your plants green up.