Help Please!


Hi all,
Basically my Auto Bubble {Day 28} has been suffering from lower leaves yellowing and dying off for over a week now, I had been told it was a N deficiency but it appears to of changed from lower leaves turning yellow/brown as now higher up leaves have a reddish/brownish edge to them and the stems also appear reddish. The lower leaves are also no longer just turning yellow as blotches are now appearing on them and spreading down the leaf before it dies. I had been using Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom A+B to try and correct this but it appears to have done nothing! (4.5ml of A and 4.5ml of B). Today I went and purchased Biobizz Topmax; Grow & Bloom and gave my plant its first feed of Biobizz (1ml Topmax, 1ml Grow and 2ml Bloom).

Here's a lower leaf I took off as it looked past the point of recovery and was blocking buds from receiving light.
Thanks Guys!


Well-Known Member
lower leaves turn and die off do to the fact not getting enough light ......the plant is killing it off to redirect the engery to one that is getting more light and producing more for it ............some books say to go ahead and get as close to the stem and clip it off to help the plant ......others say do not touch it let it go on own (personally i clip)

the other stuff looks like nutrient burn ........check the ph of your soil (make sure itis not locking u out) ..................and give them a flush 3 days later go back to 1/2 str then slowwly increase


Okay cheers dude. The leaf I took off today was in full visibility of the light which seems strange :S (125w 2700k Cfl) and they have been doing this bottom up dying in pairs :/ My ph is 6.7 with biobizz but I had discovered that the ph with sensi bloom was buffering itself slowly down to 5.8 :/


Well-Known Member
yah man u are getting little lock out

give it a flush of water ph 7 if your ph in the soil is down at 5.8

soil u want to shoot for 6.5 that is the prefect spot for it to gather everything it needs lower then 6.3 no higher then 7

light is tricky u think it is getting enough but as the light moves from the bulb u are losing power so the higher up u move the light to keep off the plant the lower leaves are getting less then normal becuase of the distance


Okay thankyou! I watered with my new biobizz nutes today till I got run-off (I had let my soil dry out 3 days before) which i'm guessing now was a bad idea :s should I water again anyway? or will I suffer from over watering?


Well-Known Member
let the roots go dry before u water again ........the plant is going to drop for 2 3 days then perk up give it 4 days and then test the soil for water lvl (if u have a meter)

roots like little air now and then


Okay man thanks. I normally water every third day when the pot seems light so I'll just give it pure water nothing else and see how it goes, Cheers!


Well-Known Member
make sure u check the ph on the water u give

i do 2 feedings then one water and repeat for life of the plant


Okay I think ill follow your routine, I had read somewhere to feed every watering but i'll scrap that plan.. My tap is a Ph of 7.2 and rain is 7.1


Well-Known Member
well feeding every water is for weaker soil mixes( u know high perlight content )

rem the plant is getting stuff from the soil and from the water/feed u are adding to it

with soil one gallon of soil volume equals 1 month of grow time with out need of feeding (20% perlight mix )