Help Please!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I am roughly 4 weeks into flowering and it seems that my plant just quit growing on me. Leaves are starting to turn different colors and pistils have begin to brown. It just seems premature for this to be happening this early in flowering. Any ideas as to what might be gong on here?



Well-Known Member
they usually stop growing after 2 or 3 weeks into flowering. normal , then begin flowing , the plant is defintly missing some thing .. hopefully this web site will help. I have an idea what is up . if I tell you and im wrong, then you get screwed. so self diag is very best, hopefully helps.


Well-Known Member
Use some Cal Mag, problem solved in my opinion. This is common at 6-8 weeks. Put it in you toolbox, and never leave home without it. Peace


Well-Known Member
Lol, kinddiesel. I am in the same boat, the symptoms mimic many things, so I am stuck here just staring at them wondering what to do. The last thing I want to do, is try to correct a problem, that isn't even the problem. I am really wondering if it isn't heat stress. It has been really hot in Southern California these last couple weeks and the symptoms just started showing up in the last week or so. If it is heat stress, there is not a whole lot I can do, I have an outdoor fan blowing on them, maybe find a shade for them, but not much more I can do, it's just damn hot down here right now.


Well-Known Member
I am really starting to think this is moisture stress and the heat has only amplified the symptoms. Bought a moisture meter today and it shows there is still moisture and I haven't watered since Sunday morning. I hope the over watering hasn't caused root rot:(


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncb. I am growing in organic soil, the plant has been doing fine up until this point. I gave it a little all purpose organic ferts for food when I first went into flower and it didn't seem to mind. I then fed it again about a week an a half ago with some more organic all purpose foods(different brand) and that seems to be when the problems started. I am wondering if you are right, maybe a good flush is in order. Maybe there was still some residual food from the first time I fed and adding more may have caused some burn and lockout.

Also, being an outdoor grow it is pretty much up to mother nature as far as the heat goes. It has been slightly over 100 degrees for the past 2 weeks and that cetainly isn't helping the situation. I have decided that if he heat continues, I am going to find either a shad cloth or umbrella big enough to shade them for the hotter part of the day, that's about all I can do in regards to the heat.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I thought maybe some better pics of the leaves would help in diagnosis. I also am including a pic of the main cola as well, just in case it helps. Please let me know what you see. I really do appreciate the help, this is a medical grow for myself and all was good up to this point and...well...I guess the pics say it all:)



Well-Known Member
So, i went ahead a flushed the pots out the best I could and then fed it with some liquid cal/mag at 1/4 strength, along with some liquid bloom nutes at 1/4 strength. Let's hope they perk up in the next few days. Thanks for the advice everyone and if you see any other issues with the pics I posted, please let me know.


New Member
Hello, I have a problem that looks similar. Will post some pics tomorrow. Its outdoor and we had a very hot week here with temps over 32 C (89.6F) everyday that i combined with overwatering, as i'm a newbie :) the result was something similar to your problem.


Well-Known Member
I am really getting discouraged here. I flushed the pots out yesterday morning and gave them a very light feeding, however not much of a response. Anyone with any ideas is much appreciated. I just can't seem to make these girls happy. Anybody, I am begging for advice here???
