Help pls(overwatering,underwatering,nute toxicity???)

So i put them outside and and put these cheesecups over them, so it raises temps to 25/28, and outside the soil will dry over the day, later today i will show how the soil is on a video, i still have to find a bamboo to stick in the soil, now u can see how small the pots are, there is a gas bottle to compare sizes.20200328_093602.jpg


Well-Known Member
Ok I only meant to have the cups there during watering, to keep the water away from the stem.

What you are doing there could work as long as it doesn’t get very hot and fry the plants. Do they all have holes at the top?
Ok I only meant to have the cups there during watering, to keep the water away from the stem.

What you are doing there could work as long as it doesn’t get very hot and fry the plants. Do they all have holes at the top?
Yes they have, and i put them for the morning because it was very sunny but 13° celcius, so with it it became warm, couldnt measure temps inside but i put my hand in there thru the hole and it wasnt hot, so it was sligtly warm, and i checked every 30 minutes, they didnt react to it, so i assume it didnt get too hot, once it became warmer outside, 22° i took them out to prevent that. Could i use those to water around the plant? I was thinking of using some smaller ones, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert by any stretch but I think I have been in a similar boat to you. Just calm down, and be patient there's nothing wrong with your seedlings. Sometimes their genetics they just grow like that. The strongest plant in my current grow didnt look like it was going to survive because its first leaves were stuck to the seed shell, took me a few days to slowly excise it and it looked very sick .. but now it is the largest and most healthy looking plant in my tent.

If I can offer one small piece of advice it would be to sprout them in much smaller containers, it is going to take forever before those tiny seedlings need more water and in that meantime all that stagnant water could lead to root rot (I also like to break up the rootbound mass by transplanting at least once, also get to check on their root health.

In any event you will be fine, just take a deep breath and be PATIENT.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, unfortunatly my budget is limited to sun, bedside lamps, a grow tent, katana roots(that was sitting here for ages, a 600w hps that will bring the 80cmx80cm(2.7x2.7) tent to a boil so its unusable, a bucket and my feet to go grab my soil from the farm into my house, i have a greenbuzz started pack coming wich was unexpensive but everything i can cut costs on i will do it, expecially since corona took my job. Sooo preeeetty limited hehe, trying to manage with little.
On a budget? Get you some Scott's at any hardware store, or Walmart. Get organic potting soil if you can. It's cheap, and will be leaps and bounds better than what's on there. I'd be afraid of the lack of oxygen getting through the mud to the roots, once they get bigger. Transplant them now, before they start showing signs of trouble. Even if you only get enough soil to fill the small pots you have hem in now, and then into a straw/ground soil mix when they've become rootbound to the pots.


Well-Known Member
listen pal, dont make too many changes in a too short of time bc plants need to days to adapt and its stressful. so if it grows let it grow. let the plant develop some proper big leaves and see how she does respond to its surroundings.
try to find a fix spot. dont cross below ~15°C or it will grow slower. it loves lots of light and also warmth. the plastic cups prevent a mild breeze - the leaves need to breath.


Well-Known Member
All this new information can be overwhelming coming from so many people.

Lots have hit good points. I started some new seeds about March 16, 2020. [For me that was a few days in cups of water/and then into paper towels) .
From March 23 - up until today March 28 they are at this stage.

Additional information is that I started them under T5s but since have moved them under a double ended light 32 inches away.

Less is more, if you fiddle with the plants you might drop one as I have done this morning and now having/trying to correct the problem.

I have now started two additional seeds, just incase this one seedling doesn't make it back.

Birthday Blues is the strain from Cannarado.
[Blues cookies x Birthday Cake] for others I will post these up in Rado's thread.

Here are the Two need seeds in water:

Less is MoRe:peace::cool::peace:


Well-Known Member
All this new information can be overwhelming coming from so many people.

Lots have hit good points. I started some new seeds about March 16, 2020. [For me that was a few days in cups of water/and then into paper towels) .
From March 23 - up until today March 28 they are at this stage.

Additional information is that I started them under T5s but since have moved them under a double ended light 32 inches away.

Less is more, if you fiddle with the plants you might drop one as I have done this morning and now having/trying to correct the problem.

I have now started two additional seeds, just incase this one seedling doesn't make it back.

Birthday Blues is the strain from Cannarado.
[Blues cookies x Birthday Cake] for others I will post these up in Rado's thread.

View attachment 4516669View attachment 4516670View attachment 4516671
Here are the Two need seeds in water:
View attachment 4516672

Less is MoRe:peace::cool::peace:
You need to bring your lights closer. They are stretching quite a bit, which isn't what you want.


Well-Known Member
You need to bring your lights closer. They are stretching quite a bit, which isn't what you want.
They stretched like that under t5s.
You need to bring your lights closer. They are stretching quite a bit, which isn't what you want.
I had my plants under T5's initially they were to high. Under double ended 1000's even 750 watt anything closer will start to fry young seedling @ 30 inches! Go for it if you want, but I'll pass. This is a plant under that light process recently upsized:D

Again personally I wouldn't put seedlings that close under a double ended light.
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I'm no expert by any stretch but I think I have been in a similar boat to you. Just calm down, and be patient there's nothing wrong with your seedlings. Sometimes their genetics they just grow like that. The strongest plant in my current grow didnt look like it was going to survive because its first leaves were stuck to the seed shell, took me a few days to slowly excise it and it looked very sick .. but now it is the largest and most healthy looking plant in my tent.

If I can offer one small piece of advice it would be to sprout them in much smaller containers, it is going to take forever before those tiny seedlings need more water and in that meantime all that stagnant water could lead to root rot (I also like to break up the rootbound mass by transplanting at least once, also get to check on their root health.

In any event you will be fine, just take a deep breath and be PATIENT.
On a budget? Get you some Scott's at any hardware store, or Walmart. Get organic potting soil if you can. It's cheap, and will be leaps and bounds better than what's on there. I'd be afraid of the lack of oxygen getting through the mud to the roots, once they get bigger. Transplant them now, before they start showing signs of trouble. Even if you only get enough soil to fill the small pots you have hem in now, and then into a straw/ground soil mix when they've become rootbound to the pots.
listen pal, dont make too many changes in a too short of time bc plants need to days to adapt and its stressful. so if it grows let it grow. let the plant develop some proper big leaves and see how she does respond to its surroundings.
try to find a fix spot. dont cross below ~15°C or it will grow slower. it loves lots of light and also warmth. the plastic cups prevent a mild breeze - the leaves need to breath.
I will leave them how they are for now, and wait untill they become bigger, once i have them going good i might change the soil, for now i am germinating a purple lemonade and already got (what i belive is) a preeetty good soil, has some straw, its light almost like air, and seems lije will hold enough water to take on my area's sun, wich will peak at 40° celcius in a 1 to 1,5months. I will put this purple lemonade in a smaller pot and wait for her to be rootbound, then will move her to a bigger pot, the ones in the picture are alreadt my max size because i alternate between the sun and the tent at night, wont be able to leave them in the yard when i have visits from family so they must fit in the tent at any point in time.
All this new information can be overwhelming coming from so many people.

Lots have hit good points. I started some new seeds about March 16, 2020. [For me that was a few days in cups of water/and then into paper towels) .
From March 23 - up until today March 28 they are at this stage.

Additional information is that I started them under T5s but since have moved them under a double ended light 32 inches away.

Less is more, if you fiddle with the plants you might drop one as I have done this morning and now having/trying to correct the problem.

I have now started two additional seeds, just incase this one seedling doesn't make it back.

Birthday Blues is the strain from Cannarado.
[Blues cookies x Birthday Cake] for others I will post these up in Rado's thread.

View attachment 4516669View attachment 4516670View attachment 4516671
Here are the Two need seeds in water:
View attachment 4516672

Less is MoRe:peace::cool::peace:
They stretched like that under t5s.

I had my plants under T5's initially they where to high. Under double ended 1000's even 750 watt anything closer will start to fry young seedling @ 30 inches! Go for it if you want, but I'll pass. This is a plant under that light process recently upsized:D

View attachment 4516709
Again personally I wouldn't put seedlings that close under a double ended light.

I wish mine were big as the last one already, are these the same plants? I am growing auto's but don't think i would mess with photoperiod, i am still too newb, i am training with the auto's and when i get good at it, i will grow big ass photos with rly high thc contents to make my own hash.
Can i ask you to please follow me up on Growdiaries by [clicking here] and check up on me giving some advice if u have the time, im not rly active here but i post there everyday and i will see every advice you have to give me. The pictures there are better organized and are labeled, it also has all informations that i know and so i share there about temps, ph, everything.... would rly appreciate if you can give me a tip or two from time to time. :) please


Well-Known Member
I wish mine were big as the last one already, are these the same plants? I am growing auto's but don't think i would mess with photoperiod, i am still too newb, i am training with the auto's and when i get good at it, i will grow big ass photos with rly high thc contents to make my own hash.
Can i ask you to please follow me up on Growdiaries by [clicking here] and check up on me giving some advice if u have the time, im not rly active here but i post there everyday and i will see every advice you have to give me. The pictures there are better organized and are labeled, it also has all informations that i know and so i share there about temps, ph, everything.... would rly appreciate if you can give me a tip or two from time to time. :) please
I come on here at Random, but what you have been told is pretty much it, in regards to small seedlings.
Water the pots when they dry out, /about to be dried out.

I don't go on that forum at all.

The plant I showed you was about month and a bit old.

The other ones are brand new seeds that I started I said. I even gave you dates of them in my Original Post.
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