help pls


Active Member
can someone please tell me if its ok that i move my little plants inside for 4 days cuz of bad weather. i will put it under a 60 watt desk light for the few 4 days. they are about 3 days old since they came out the soil and very small with 1 set of tiny leaves. it is very small and i just wanne know if since i started them outside if they get stressed when i move them back in for 4 days and then back out. is this bad? can i do that without problems or are they already ajusted to outdoors after a few days out the soil?


Well-Known Member
you should be ok........... I'd try to get more than that one little light on it while it's inside though..... how bad is the weather?


Well-Known Member
just stick them under a window sill they should be fine for a couple days, and yea how bad is the weather?


Well-Known Member
Better safe than sorry i'd say.
Bring them in ...
Mine have been out for the last 4-5 days and there have been some pretty serious rainfalls and i can't visit the spot because it's a 30km bike trip over there.
Will be visiting them tomorrow and we'll see the outcomes...


Well-Known Member
I would bring small plants like that in if there was rain. and they should be plenty fine, they shouldn't even skip a beat.