Help plz first timer here..


New Member
So I germinated one indoors till it got big enough to go out in my garden with all my veggies (did it to see if I can and for the hell of it) well let's just say the birds got to it and ate it down to nothing but a stick sticking up out of the ground so I gave up didnt think it was gonna grow back right... well it did!! Its little but its goin strong! Still has about couple weeks till I can harvest it but tomorrow night its gonna get down to 37°F and I was wondering if I could dig this little fella out of the ground put it in a pot and take it in doors before the cold kills it.. I swear I feel like it's already on its 3rd life for real! Lol.
37 won't kill it. If you dig it up might as well cut it down. It's gonna get stunted the second the roots chunk.

Check for your area and see if there's going to be a frost. If so cover it. You could cover it regardless at night if u want. But 37 still all good
You're better off off covering it with some thin clear painters plastic and then doing a nice foliar of Plant Therapy or Regalia right around first light. That will make everything all good. You can even put an A-Frame ladder over the plant if you're concerned about direct contact damage with your plastic/tarp
Yeah that thing is small enough it would take little effort to cover it and keep it safe.
We have been down to as low as 25 already this yr and been below freezing every night for 4 days and you cant even tell that it's been cold this last week.