Help plz,pics, +rep for a successful solution.


Well-Known Member
This is my first problem thus far that I haven't fixed. It's progressing quickly. 3 days ago, I noticed a slight bit of darkening on 5 AK48 clones. Here's what they look like today:View attachment 1562325View attachment 1562326

I foliar fed (first time) with a light mix of high P fertilizer. I also fed with about 1/4 strength high P nute mix.

These are the only cuts from this AK and I'd like to get at least 1 to survive. The Mama is in 12/12 now and looking better than any of my other plants to date.

+rep for anyone who can guide me on how to remedy this ailment.

Thanks a ton!


Well-Known Member
just let them be for a little bit dont start going crazy trying to fix it youll only make it worst you already flushed them just give them two days and flush again....what is your PH it looks like lock out you could have over fead them


Well-Known Member
They are in perlite/vermiculite. These are the first clones I've had any problem with. It came on quickly.

I'll let them sit for a couple of days before I feed or anything.


Well-Known Member
you have to wait that out as i hope you did my friend.. i experienced that the first time i potted clones into my hempy method.. i am a physicist so i ran an experiment as soon as i saw what had happened to yours occur to mine. they were both from the same mother from the same stem as well; so couldn't get any better. one of them i ran my slightly modified lucas formula that does wonders, and the other, plant b, i ran the same formula except boosted the N through the roof then diluted the formula massively after doing so. for the first 4 days or so, both plants seemed to be in the same boat still.. at about 5 days plant b showed signs of new growth and spots on the leaves seemed to stop increasing. plant a at this time was still the same.. around 7 days i noticed that plant a had lost all the bad leaves on its own, or atleast 95 percent or so, and was showing new growth. plant b by now still had the damaged leaves attached but as to touch them they were slightly brittle. after seeing this, i put plant b back on normal formula as plant a was thriving again. around day 9 or 10 i hand removed the brittle leaves from plant b. i deduced that plant a did need more N during its regrowth stage as it had been damaged, therefore it obviously took N from the dying areas to rebuild. plant b did not have to do this as i introduced more N in its formula. what the cause of the original issue though, i do not scientifically know but can make a couple guesses.... my main leading one, transplant shock from soaked jiffys to verm/perli mix which led to either burns or nute deprivation. i personally dont spray feed, i might mist them with ph'd water once a 3-4 weeks or if the babies seem a little dry to my eye. just my 2 cents brother


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Looks mag def to me, whats your tap ppm? I had my grape apes looking like that, they didn't like my hard water. I also dont like how much perlite is in your soil. What kind of soil are you using?