Help Plz! seedling leaves are drying at the tips and curling


Well-Known Member
Yea I think they arent as thick and green as they could be because theyre always hungry for more nutes...especially nitrogen probably...should I double the ppm with the next solution or make 1 batch at 250 and one at 500 and gradually bring the 250 ppm up with the 500ppm solution that ill have in a 5gallon container off to the side
I thinks that's a good idea because you need to see how the little JF's will handle 250. I'm sure they'll be fine but better to be safe than sorry. The haze will be fine at 250 so see how you go at that and steadily increase with the 500ppm mix depending on how the JF's respond.


Well-Known Member
oh yea and considering I have to grow everything under the same light cycle how much more time till i should force flowering? I know the JFs have alot more growing to do...


Well-Known Member
Shit your keen aren't you.
The time to turn to 12/12 is different for everyone and we all have our own ideas depending on our own environments and strains we're growing.
Personally i like to have a good root structure established before flowering and be on a high ppm, yet some flower from seed and it works.
Because you are growing Haze - a sativa, you could turn them now and that would be fine. The JF's have got both indica and sativa in them and you will get pheno's of each no doubt.
Main thing in your situation is you want both strains in full health and on the same ppm level.
It's up to you.
It's always going to be a difficult call when you have two strains not at the same level of growth.


Well-Known Member
for sure but i figured since the haze take on average 3 weeks longer than most strains it would eventually even out in the end...yea i agree with the whole root structure thing...I think maybe when i see the first roots coming out the bottom of the JF''s im gunna hook the hps up and start the flower cycle...haha yea sorry dude i know i ask alot of questions..i just wanna learn everything i can and get second oppinions on the shit im not sure about..thanks for all the help though


Well-Known Member
They all look good Wiz.
Fresh and healthy. A little hungry, but healthy with mass potential.
Your setting them up nicely.
I can see some multiple haze colas in the future from that topping.
Once you get a few grows under your belt you'll gain the experience needed to be able to 'visualise' a plant in full bloom before you even begin to train it through topping etc.
This is going to be such an interesting grow :weed:
The JF's just need a little more time to estastablish themselves then your off.
You could turn to 12/12 on the haze now, they need more nutes, want to grow, and they take so long to finish. Maybe the JF's will too if they have the 'Herer' in them.
That's the cool thing about growing MJ, your still going to end up with great buds, it's just a matter of how much.
Remember you are in control of this grow, and do with it whatever you want.
It's your first serious grow so your allowed and fuck up. Plus you need to discover how your system works.
Give the JF's another week or so to dig down, then just turn the lot so we can get on with the show.
This is going to be good.
It would be nice to see which of the JF's are Sativa dom' before you turn on the dark. This is because you want to know which ones to top, and you need the growth there to do it.
The good thing is you are educating youself for future grows.
All the best.


Well-Known Member
They all look good Wiz.
Fresh and healthy. A little hungry, but healthy with mass potential.
Your setting them up nicely.
I can see some multiple haze colas in the future from that topping.
Once you get a few grows under your belt you'll gain the experience needed to be able to 'visualise' a plant in full bloom before you even begin to train it through topping etc.
This is going to be such an interesting grow :weed:
The JF's just need a little more time to estastablish themselves then your off.
You could turn to 12/12 on the haze now, they need more nutes, want to grow, and they take so long to finish. Maybe the JF's will too if they have the 'Herer' in them.
That's the cool thing about growing MJ, your still going to end up with great buds, it's just a matter of how much.
Remember you are in control of this grow, and do with it whatever you want.
It's your first serious grow so your allowed and fuck up. Plus you need to discover how your system works.
Give the JF's another week or so to dig down, then just turn the lot so we can get on with the show.
This is going to be good.
It would be nice to see which of the JF's are Sativa dom' before you turn on the dark. This is because you want to know which ones to top, and you need the growth there to do it.
The good thing is you are educating youself for future grows.
All the best.
yea they are looking better and greener than ever and growing more than ever! I dont know if its just a first timer thing but ive never been so excited in my life lol..i find myself just staring at them sometimes, mesmerized. Yea I can definately tell the AUH all have 4 main stems now that will probably all be the main massive collas. Yea I think im gunna give the JFs atleast one more week till i start the bud cycle..2 of them got some nute burns on tips from splashing, i hope they recover im gunna put a pic up later so u can tell me what you think...oh and Im almost positive that, comparing it to the other ones, one of the JFs is sativa dominant fo sho(its in the last pics i put up..there is a top view and a profile view pic of her)...shes one of the ones that are undamage so im prety happy about that.

Im following another guys JF grow journal( hes been growing JF for a while now)..and he said they consistantly yeild 140-170 grams per plant in soil for him..and i think in hydro with a mix of organic and synthetic nutes you can increase yeild..

Yea I have had my little fuck ups I just hope it doesnt have to much of an affect on the end outcome..but im immediately going for a flawless grow after this one


Well-Known Member
Go straight to 12/12 Wiz, no steady decrease, straight to 12/12.
That haze is going to explode.
Looking good.


Well-Known Member
Go straight to 12/12 Wiz, no steady decrease, straight to 12/12.
That haze is going to explode.
Looking good.
i went ahead and took your advice and put the light cycle at 12/12...the only reason I hesitated was because the jacks are still so small..but then again the haze are growing 1-2 inches a day now and its kinda freakin me out..i dont want 6ft tall plants lol...

All the jacks have roots coming out of the bottom of the top buckets...even the ones that got nute splashed..I think that means theyre all gunna make it! Im gunna try and wait a week or until the haze show sex till i post new pics..i hope its soon.


Well-Known Member
12hrs of darkness will make them shoot up quite a bit so the JF's will be fine, watch them go it's exactly what they need.
This of course is not going to help the haze slow down, because those babies are already taking off, let alone what they're going to do when they get hit with 12/12.
You can always' top' the haze again at the top of those new twin branches to slow them down which will give the JF's a bit more time to catch up.
It won't hurt and you'll produce even more colas this way as well.. Up to you.

Everything is looking good though Wiz.


Well-Known Member
well its been a week...I uped the ppm and it settled out to 480 within a couple hrs...its been about 18 hrs since then and the ppm is at 360 now so it looks they are just sucking up those nutes. All the JFs have roots coming out of the top buckets and are sitting in the solution in the bottom bucket with the air stones. It is really starting to smell in here...its so refreshing. Ive never smelled this kind of fresh sweet pot smell before its amazing. The haze has grown up to 14 inches away from the light(the tallest plant is at 25 inches) and the top leaves are curling up a bit at the burn wondering if its just a little to close or maybe there isn't enough humidity up are some pics



Well-Known Member
This is the problem you were always going to have with plants of different ages.
You need to lift the light and increase ventilation at the top of the tallest plants.
That leaf edge curl is definitely from the heat of the lamp.
The JF's will just have to stretch unless you can lift them to an equal height to the haze.
Looking good though Wiz. Keep pushing the nutes into them they'll love it.


Well-Known Member
Day 8 on 12/12

PH 6.0

PPM 600

RH 60

Temp 77 F

Man they do love those nutes...they are sucking them down fast...I put ppm up to 770 last night and found it at 580 this morning. At this point they are sucking down a gallon a day give or take. It is clear now the haze are all showing sex, and even the bagseed in the bucket is showing female. It will be nice to get atleast a blunt out of that little runt. I tried to get as clear a picture of a bud sight as possible..

I was wiring the 2 main stems on the haze and I smelled my



Well-Known Member
Goog going Wiz, that's a girl!
Alright mam...Got the ppm up to 820 right now and everything else is stable...things look REALLY good all over and the jacks are taking to the nutes well. I was wondering though..this is the second week of 12/12 and we havent switched to the sensi A&B bloom yet because of the jacks vegitative growth...Im thinking about putting a fresh batch of nutes in with the Bloom base nutes...the jacks are at 9-10 inches atm and u can see a top veiw in my avatar picture..what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Alright mam...Got the ppm up to 820 right now and everything else is stable...things look REALLY good all over and the jacks are taking to the nutes well. I was wondering though..this is the second week of 12/12 and we havent switched to the sensi A&B bloom yet because of the jacks vegitative growth...Im thinking about putting a fresh batch of nutes in with the Bloom base nutes...the jacks are at 9-10 inches atm and u can see a top veiw in my avatar picture..what do you think?
Personally I wait to see pre-flowers before I change the nutes over.
The N in the veg nutes help them to stretch and grow during the first stages of 12/12. When they start to form bud sites is when I hit them with the flower nutes. This is what I do, don't know if it's right, but it works well for me every time.
Do you have any pre-flowers yet?


Well-Known Member
They are all over the Hazes but the jacks dont have any waiting a week or two would be ok u think?