help plzzzzzzzzzz


Active Member
Hi every1. I have 1 red deisel seed i started a few weeks ago, and today i just noticed the tips of the leaves are turning yellow, AND, whats worste i think, i spotted some tiny white bug crawling on the leaf, and i think i saw one in the soil too HELP!!!! Is there anything i can do? Am i totally screwed?
I have some more seeds on the way, and i was planning on having about 4 total plants, i got 1 bag of ff ocean forest, but now im wondering if the bugs came with the bag? Not sure what to do here. I cant just go out and buy more because the hydro store is bout 100 miles away and im on a budget if ya kno what i mean. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thnx



Active Member
The white bug i saw was realllly small, but i could see it walk across the little leaf. But it was smaller than a grain of sand


Well-Known Member
Wow, good eyes.

Leaves can yellow for so many reasons, that amost looks like heat. What is your set up?



Active Member
132 watt 6500 cfl I have the light really close to it; maybe I'll bring the light back a bit. Do you know what I can do about the bugs? I have no idea what to do. Incecticide? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Is that actual wattage or equivalent? When my girls are that young I have them under 1 26w (100 w equivalent) CFL for about 5 days then 2 till they are 10 then they are usually ready for heavier light. Maybe just pull it back some. Do U have afan on her?

I have no earthly idea on the bug, checl Grizzs bug Sticky in Plant Problems, its very helpful



Active Member
I had a minor problem with bugs a few times.
I grow outdoors now, so I have a lot of good solutions to those type of problems.
I noticed tiny bugs on mine before too, but they were spider mites.
I used a couple drops of dawn (not the kind with bleach) and I mixed it in a spray bottle full of water and sprayed it.
I didn't have them bad so they were history, but then they came back a while later and i ended up having to do it once or twice a week.
Since it's such a small amount of soap it wont hurt your plant or make the bud taste like soap lol.
When you spray make sure you try and get underneath the leaves too, but since it's so little i'd only spray it one good time and hold back the nozzle about a foot so it just mists it.


Active Member
aww poor plants, they will eat them alive, it's cruel.
I lost one of my babies to mites when it was just a little tot like yours='[


New Member
I know people swear by Fox Farms soil, but the problem with any organic soil is bugs (particularly gnats) due to the decaying matter that composes organic soils. To each their own, and I'm not knocking FFOF, but I would use a good quality regular soil like Black Gold all-purpose potting soil if you can find it.


Well-Known Member
that baby def loos over watered next time start in cuo with starter soil has no chemicals in it sometimes soil addatives to strong for young ones

cut back on water use just water for a couple of weeks in beginning no food till week 3 means soil as well

very easy to loose plants at this stage careful not to love them to death

and bugs are def in ff only show when soil never gets chance to dry out aaaaaand sty damp

good luck


Well-Known Member
There seems 2 be a spider mite outbreak lately. Do U have access to neem oil? I know it sounds scary but any bug bomb or spray that says it kills spiders is said to get rid of them. Its pretty nuclear especially for such a small plant but then again SMs will kill it fast too...



Well-Known Member
I doubt it's spider mites. Those are red and by the time you notice them there'd be whole lot more than just one of them. No signs of bug damage to the leaves either.


Active Member
very cruel indeed. Im kindascared to try the dawn thing cause i killed about 30 babies that way on my previous attempt. I think what i wanna do is get some kinda insectide from the store. I dont mind buying it as long as i dont kill my precious haha. Not sure what to buy tho. I saw something called neem oil that grizzle mentioned. Has any1 out there on this site tried that for spider mites?? any suggestions as to what i should buy ? XDDD


Active Member
I made the same mistake. My first 3 plants all looked like that. They all died. Why? Well, I didn't take it serious. I also had one CFL on top of them. Too close.

I was burning them up. They were over 95 degrees. Buy a thermometer. A digital one. That shows humidity. Fix the temperature problem, and add humidity as needed, and problem solved. Until the next 'hiccup' ;)