Help!!! Police

I am with kinddiesel. What the fuck good is a gun. Outside of the fact the killing someone is wrong, the person flying that coptor doesn't make the law and could very well have kids, what the fuck selfish good would it do to go from a small grow offense to murder? Congrats on your five minutes of fame before they put you in an electric chair or laugh as you get assfucked for the rest of your life.

We grow and for many of us, myself included, it is illegal and are voluntarily taking the risk. It is a game and if we're smart, 99% of the time we win. I hate the prohibition and have been an activist against it for decades. We are really fucking close on that! If some lunatics start shooting down coptors, it will set that back and make all we innocent stoners connected to something we abhor.

I believe they could use one for a small grow, considering they don't necessarily know the size beforehand. When I was in high school, they'd send the coptor when we were partying in parks. If I get caught, I will keep my head up high, get a goodlawyer, show why I shpuldn'tbe punished and take my lickings. Plenty of folks here have survived it. But murder?
Get rid of the shotguns and the grow. You are to paranoid to get into this hobby. Just stay on this site and become an observer. Watch others grow and enjoy their pics without the drama.
Dude using that chopper costs more that your 5 plants you will be fine is they wanted you they would use a basic squad car not a helo calm down and enjoy your grow. :weed:
you all get paranoid. then when i got paranoid you tell me to go kill my self
i got paranoid for a real reason
LMFAO Theres atleast One fucking helicopter Paranoia thread on these fourms here atleast once every 3 weeks now..
You can be like John McClane and wait for it to fly by some powerlines and then Yippee Ki-yay that Motherfucker... But you know Moh556 thats neither here nor there
This chopper is flying over my house for 3 hrs now and I'm paranoid as hell what do i do
I have 12 gauge but if they see it with me they will sure be coming to me

i have a lot of plants. and ill tell ya this, i dont keep guns in the house cause
a) they agrivate charges if found where mj is growin. this is in all of north america.

b)if you have a weapon and yer getting raided, uer getting air holed. they will fucking spray you until there is nothing left. thats why they bring guns, to kill threats.

if you get raided, get your firearm away from you. a greasy as pig fuck will unload on you. even if you have no intention of doing anything, they dont knlw that.never menace police with a gun. regardlessbif they are tresspasing, they have the authority to kill you. and they wont hesitate.

and a shotgin wont make a chopper go away. it will bring more cops. a.d then you will have led them right to you. if you act like a idiot, they will want to know what the fuck is your problem.

and its a crime just to menace someone with a firearm in many places. that alone could get you 6 months in canada. if yer in the states, if yer not in the right, you could face agrivated fellony charges.

always think before introducing guns. they have a time and a place.
That's the same chopper Henry Hill saw & U see what happened to him......Quick, run the plants over to your inlaws & hide them in the garage !................I just had to
So what were you gonna do with the shotgun? I had the impression you were worried about getting caught with the gun and not actually planning on using it. Am I wrong? I hope so...

It's not that I wouldn't love to see you succeed in your endeavors, it's that I know you wouldn't, so I feel like I should advise you against it in case they come flying by again, because in the end, nutjob, loner, marijuana growing gunmen with NRA books and shooter games would be the latest topic in the media. Relax and go smoke somethingbongsmilie
That's the same chopper Henry Hill saw & U see what happened to him......Quick, run the plants over to your inlaws & hide them in the garage !................I just had to

yes Henry and Janice snorting cocaine then watching choppers over there house. While the crippled brother Michael is stuck stiring pasta sauce all morning.
Telling you man theres atleast one of these threads now every 3 weeks on this fourm.

Last one was that 19-year-old college girl with lower back problems, and an eating disorder. Who was going growing two plants from seed aprox 28 inches tall/ 11 nodes, When suddenly a Chopper flew in at "dangerous Altitude" above the girl's appartment. Needless to say it scared that little girl shitless! and she ended up plucking her two plants