HELP!!! possible deficiency? Plant losing leaves 3rd week into flower

I have been noticing my ladies fan leaves below the canopy are becoming discolored and falling off with a light touch. I am 3 weeks into flower on a 12/12 scedhule. This is only happening where the plant isnt getting much light under the canopy. Is this normal during flower or do I have a deficiency? If so what is it and what do i do to fix it? I am leaning towards a phosphorus deficiency? I posted pictures thank you!



Well-Known Member
Looking at the last pic they look good to me. Your going to lose leaves the further into flowering you go. But may be some sort of deficiency. Someone else may know better.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the last pic they look good to me. Your going to lose leaves the further into flowering you go. But may be some sort of deficiency. Someone else may know better.
They look good yes, and yes fan will yellow and fall off in flower, but they don't look like that, theres something wrong with those leaves

T macc

Well-Known Member
This is only happening where the plant isnt getting much light under the canopy.
Where there's a lack of light, leaves become very brittle. Is the plant healthy overall? How do the middle leaves look?

The leaves do look a bit odd for a lack of light tho? Lack of nitrogen? Calcium? I'm not too knowledgeable about deficiencies tbh


Well-Known Member
If you're flowering with CFL's you are definitely not reaching the bottom of the canopy with light, and without light, well the leaves will begin to fade and die. I would also tend to agree with your observation, you may be a little short on phosphorous and even a smidge of Mg, but I highly doubt they're the real culprits here. Stop and breathe for a moment. Take a look at the last pic you posted of the canopy...your grow looks pretty darn good, the leaves look healthy (no curled tips, no burnt tips, no off colors, no deformed growth). You're not too far off the mark on things...10 or 15 leaves out of all the positives, is not much to fret over. When the leaves upstairs start exhibiting the same issues as those below, start to worry, otherwise take a step back and let her do her thing. If I were to connect the dots it's just a light intensity thing and CFL's, while they will work ( I use them in veg.); a high intensity lighting solution will give you optimal results, while providing improved efficiency.