HELP! Possible mold in soil


Active Member
Hey all

Started some seedlings off in regular garden store seedling soil and getting ready to transplant to 1 gallon pots with some canna bio terra plus soil (organic soil) and when I opened the bag I found some white stuff in the dirt and no idea if this is normal or if its mold!

The white stuff isn't all over the soil, just a bit at the top in small sections. If I had to say a percentage of covering all the dirt, it would be like 1% or so, but I don't know if a little mold is enough to ruin the whole bag. Actually I ended up mixing it into the rest of the soil by accident trying to look for more white stuff.

I took some sample shots, hopefully someone here can diagnose it as I was going to repot tonight, but depending on the responses I may have to return the soil and try a different night.

Any help greatly appreciated!


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an online search for "canna bio terra plus soil mold" only provided info regarding it containing an "anti-mold" effect from the bark added to the soil.....
It looks more like sand. Have you got some and rubbed between your fingers? If it's grainy and hard, it's just sand of some kind that somehow got in the bag. If it's fluffy and smears in your hand, it's probably a fungus and nothing to worry about. I doubt highly it's mold.
I get the same thing on my coco, and I'm 95% sure it's mold or some kind of fungi. But I've done some quick research and it seems it is generally harmless to the plants. A quick google search will provide lots of results about mold on the surface of the medium. I'd remove the top layer and I'm thinking about covering the surface with white pebbles to prevent this among other things. Edit: Actually, it could also be salt buildup from the nutrients. I still think it's some kind of fungus/ mold whatever. Do some research.
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Thanks very much for the replies! Ya when I looked mold up online it looked pretty different as this was very grainy. I ended up using it anyways as there wasn't a lot. I'll keep you posted if anything looks off about it!