Help quick what does this mean

How long till budding indoors

  • 7 weeks

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  • 5 weeks

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  • Or 11 weeks

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Ok I have 6plants growing an my room started to stink so I took 1 medium sized one out it's about 5 in tall the others are about 7 in an when I took it out the smell was gone!! So was it just that one that stunk so bad? Do I need to get it back? An this Thursday they will be 4 weeks old so about how much longer until I can tell the sex also


Well-Known Member
We would require a lot more information than this.

And there is no way for anyone to tell when your plants are going to bud.

Research: Google, Google, Google


Active Member
there isn't any real problem there. Are all the plants the same strain? eventually its all going to smell like pot anyways. You'll be able to tell the sex once you trigger them to flower, or they become mature enough and show it on its own. Im pretty sure that takes somewhere around 6 weeks or something but dont know for sure.


Ok an no they aren't the same strain an yea I know I put them on the budding cycle when they were 2 weeks old after I germinated them an planted them. An I take very good an close care of them like they are my children lmao. But yea usually how many weeks until u can tell the sex tho?


Well-Known Member
mate calm down, smoke a joint or something. You can worry yourself sick. just do your research and everything will be fine... Don't rush things, think things over and over until you have the best solution to any plant problems that arrive... Read other peoples grow threads. you will learn everything you need that way...


Well-Known Member
What did you do with the plant you removed?
What light cycle are you on?
If smell is a problem for you, once they go into flower,
whatever odors you have now, are nothing
compaired to the smell of some strains once fully flowering.
Be prepaired, and take whatever action you need to now to control odors later in your grow.


Ok thanks you all an I planted it out side an no the smell doesn't matter but I'm growin 5 indoors now an when I have a female I'm goin to keep only one an than clone it so right now since I had so many the smell was worrying me an I've looked up stuff an it doesn't give me the answere to what I am looking for an the cycle I'm on is 12/12 right now


Active Member
you can usually tell the sex of a plant after 6 weeks and that is if it is kept in veg for 6 weeks without triggering. I've never only veged for 2 weeks and then flowered. But my guess would be if they have been in the flower cycle for almost 2 weeks now they should be showing there sex any day.