Help regarding ventilation


Hi. I'm trying to set up my first grow tent. It's a Secret Jardin Hydroshoot 5x5. The problem is the ventilation. I have tried just about everything but it either gets way too warm (32c/90f) and low humidity (40%ish) or the other way, too cold (15c/50f). I have the grow tent in a fairly big insolated garage. When it was too hot in the tent I tried to open a window and send the exchaust air outside, but the the temperature dropped outside and now it's too cold on the tent during dark hours.
Been struggling and wasted so many hours with this now.
Should mention I have HPS light. I Know, upgrading to LED would probably solve the problems, but it's too expensive right now. Any other tricks I can try?
I have a massive 250mm exhaust fan running on lowest option to take air out, and one inline fan on 125mm. I have a couple of fans inside the tent to help with air circulation and one humidifier.
Hi! Adjusting to the changes in environment is always a challenge and requires a custom solution for each situation.

I would recommend a small oil filled heater that you turn on during lights out. If the tent has room, put it in there, it's a lot easier than heating the whole garage.

Too cold is usually an easy fix like this. Humidity should get lower and lower as Winter approaches.
Hi! Adjusting to the changes in environment is always a challenge and requires a custom solution for each situation.

I would recommend a small oil filled heater that you turn on during lights out. If the tent has room, put it in there, it's a lot easier than heating the whole garage.

Too cold is usually an easy fix like this. Humidity should get lower and lower as Winter approaches.
Like he said a oil heater should be ideal for your needs just make sure to cover any red lights on it if the one you get has any on it its enough to mess with a plant if its close enough in its dark cycle
Thanks for replies! So that's still with the garage window open? Cus ideally I would like to have the window closed, but then temperature rose up to 32c.. I actually have a new heater ready I could try though. I understand getting temp up is easier than getting it down. And humidity follows temperature in a negative correlation kind of way.
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Problem with the exhaust fan is it's too powerful on more power. The under-pressure gets too big. Always something... I too agree that buying a LED light solve most issues. But would like to get it to work with the HPS. I mean, others gets it working, so then so should I...
Hi! Adjusting to the changes in environment is always a challenge and requires a custom solution for each situation.

I would recommend a small oil filled heater that you turn on during lights out. If the tent has room, put it in there, it's a lot easier than heating the whole garage.

Too cold is usually an easy fix like this. Humidity should get lower and lower as Winter approaches.
You can get propane bottles that have infrared heaters on them. Something like this.

If your fan is too powerful for passive intake, you need another fan blowing air into the tent at the bottom. My exhaust fan is the same way. You just need to find a balance during both cold weather and hot weather, add an AC, add a heater (for the garage, not the tent), dehumidifier etc. My light and dehumidifier heat my place so much during the winter I have to get up and open up my front door during the middle of the night for a few minutes to cool it off, and that's with snow outside.
You should cut the air flow way down when the lights are off, say run it off a humidistat? And a small electric heater with a thermostat would work good. Just make sure it's big enough to cycle. I've got a 1200 w one that has a good t-stat way down below freezing I use in the garage by the water lines. Doesn't run much to keep the area that is semi open above freezing. I originally had a small one like I posted earlier but it just ran all the time. That small one would work good with a low air flow or the humidistat running it in the tent.

You can get humidistats cheap from humidifiers that people throw away......
Put this in as an exhaust fan at the bottom for wen the lights are out.

Here's something to consider....

TOPGREENER Humidity Detector PIR Occupancy Sensor Light and Fan Control Switch
