HELP!!! Seed in flowering bud... Hermie?


Well-Known Member
Hi. Noob grower here a bit confused about my plant. I believe it MAY have been exposed to a tiny light leak. I recently opened a vent that could have possibly let in some stray light during the night time. Just today I noticed a fatty seed in the bud and another budsite had very small seed-like pods starting to grow out of it. They're bright green in color and look like seeds.

The strain is Purple Arrow and it's been flowering for 34 days...

I'm pretty sure it's a hermie, but it's growing along with 7 other plants in the tent. I just need some assurance that this is in fact a hermie and I should definetely kill it since I don't want any of my other 7 plants to grow seeds.
Is there a chance it could have already pollinated my other plants? How long does it take before a hermie starts pollinating the other ladies in the tent?

Let me know what you think the best course of action is.
Thank you.



Well-Known Member
Let it grow to full maturity harvest, cure, pick out the seeds and smoke it. It will get you just as high, you will just have less weed.

If you have 1 seed the whole crop has already been pollinated already, sorry better luck next time!


Well-Known Member
Let it grow to full maturity harvest, cure, pick out the seeds and smoke it. It will get you just as high, you will just have less weed.

If you have 1 seed the whole crop has already been pollinated already, sorry better luck next time!
The seed only appears on one of the 7 plants... I thought that you could kill/remove the hermie from the room to keep the others safe


if there's 1 seed it would have released pollen long enough ago to produce the seed an pollinate anything else around

Blazin Purps

Well-Known Member
The deed has already been done you will only be throwing out weed you could have smoked just let it go and pick the seeds out at the end. Good looking buds by the way!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
after you harvest clean your tools, surfaces, fans, vents etc, or pollen will malinger in your growroom forever.

seeds arent the end of the world.

fuck, if they are mature enough, plant em in the local parks or by the side of a creek.


Well-Known Member
Ok, quick and easy steps to your problem:

1) Let the plant grow
2) Harvest the plant
3) Try removing any visible seeds and put them aside
4) Dry your buds and divide them into smaller pieces to pick out any seeds
5) Cure the buds and use the seeds later on
6) Almost forgot, smoke the bud you have!


Active Member
Just one or two seeds don't mean you'll have a shit load of seeds you could have some plants with more and some with just a few if you plant'em I'll bet their all females :cry: boo hoo hoo hoo hoo~


Active Member
I've had female plants produce seeds without having been polinated. In my expirience this almost exlusivly happens if the plant have been tamperd with to produce feminized seeds. So if you are using feminized seeds, and have not found/seen a single male organ in the whole of your grow (no hermies) These seeds will be feminized as well. The bad nes is that male organs can be small and hard to find, and you could be dealing with hermy seeds without knowing it.