Help! Seedlings in Tough Shape All of a Sudden!


Active Member
Hey all i have 4 seedlings one is still growing like crazy, two days ago the leaves of one started curling up and i posted on another thread, they thought it was over watering so i let them dry a little. Now today 2 look HORRIBLE curling even worse and getting dying/yellowing/browning leaves. Another is showing some early signs. I was using some root stimulator maybe that was my real problem... I dont know. HELP!



Are they in Miracle grow?
They should have NO nutes at this point, that comes later. Miracle grow has nutes in it, pretty sure thats the while i see on the soil, could be wrong though.


Active Member
its mostly miracle grow ya with some ffof added in after to take care op the soil level going down.... so no nutes ok.... are these saveable and if so how... please be specific im a first timer


#1- the most damaged, i believe is not saveable
#2 & 3 - Can probably be saved, i am not a soil grower, but i will give my thoughts. Go to the hydro shop, get some high quality soil (or soil less), tell them what your issue is (it is just a seedling, not a MJ seedling! They shouldn't ask if you don't offer, if they do its always tomatoes) they should have an idea of a good quality soil without nutrients. Get a bag of this, take home and take your plants out of the planters (cups) they are in, remove as much soil as you can without removing too many roots, some will come of, but most should be alright, don't be too rough. I have seen people use an air pump in water to bubble the remaining soil off of the roots. Get as much as you can, rinse them of as much as needed. Now replant in the inert soil, with either no nutrients or nutrients for seedlings (Dutch Master APS etc), hope for the best.
That is my opinion, and at least i will send you to the top of the list for a bit maybe get some soil growers in here to give their thoughts.


Active Member
k well hydro shops dont exist here man so FFOF is about all i got, at this point should i just repot into FFOF instead of the MG potting mix and use straight water? Thanks for the input and if anyone else has ideas fire away!


I believe Ocean Forest has nutrients in it, there is other fox farms that don't. Or maybe i am completely backwards on that, i would look at the bag to start and see what it says, couldn't hurt.
And if you are in the states i would have a hard time believing there isn't some sort of gardening store (hell walmart this time of year) in your state somewhere. Typically not well advertised, may check your phone book, online, or even on here. Good luck!

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
What was the "root stimulator" that you used? Did it also have an analysis (NPK ratios) on the label? If so, how much did you add? Hate to see it but 1 if not 2 of those plants look toasted as in they are unlkely to recover despite any efforts.


Active Member
a bonide 3-10-4. I agree i just transplanted the best two, the better one and one not pictured which was the biggest, into two gallon pots with FFOF and clean water. I threw out the rest. I only needed 2 plants cause my box is small, but ya that i know. Hopefully that best one bounces back and the good one doesnt have problems... those went from one being slightly curled yesterday to looking like that in about 18 hours (in which i didnt get to look at them). They looked amazing before, all of them. Bummer.


Active Member
Ok so after a couple days my best one (which was always bigger and faster growing than the rest) still shows no signs so im home free there. The other one was the best from the previous pictures. I just don't know what i should do now. I could keep this damaged one going, in which case i need to know what/how much to trim. Also il be usin uncle bens topping technique so im not sure how thats gonna work out now. My other option is to germ a couple northern lights now and by the time my healthy Blue Mystic is at a month veg the two northern lights would have about 1 week to germ and sprout, 1.5-2 weeks for root development, and then around 1-1.5 weeks of veg. or i could veg for 5 weeks for the extra week for the NL. I know these NL would yield little since they would be small but i don't know if its worth it to let the bad BM recover and then and have one small plant instead of two. OR maybe this being so early it wont ruin the plant once it takes off again. I just have no experience so a little advisement would be appreciated! Thanks!



I think you should get some bag seeds and grow those, will help you learn how to grow without using expensive seeds. I would go ahead and start those seeds if you aren't going to miss them, they will catch up pretty quick i bet, been too long since i grew the blue mystic, but with as bad as the one got fried, the other one probably stunted at least a little so if you start the NL in the FFOF they should do great from day one, and most likely bridge most of the gap. Its really up to you on if you want to use the seeds or not.
What light do you plan to use for flower?


Active Member
i got the seeds already and bag seed is not an option, i have no problem using the other seeds i could also use cali hash and/ or blue hash by dinafem. But from what i hear NL is good smoke and a pretty easy grow, so that is why i was thinking of using that. Planning on using my 2 14 w LED panels (which im usin as side lighting and there they will stay) as well as 8 cfls probably 6 2700k during flower as well as 2 6500k, however if you have any suggestions on any of this im always at least willing to listen.


Active Member
well i just started germing 2 NL beans, so thats that. Now when do i start using nutes on my blue mystic? Its at day 17 from sprouting.


Active Member
Well since your redoing this whole thing, what i would first recommend is not watering so much your soil never looks dry, root rot is probably problem number 1. Secondly you kept them in the cup way to long after the first two sets of adult leaves they should have been re potted, miracle grow is loaded with fungus gnats that will eat your roots, and generally be anoying, stick with FFOF. As for water make sure the PH of your water is always a 6.8 FFOF tends to be a little low on the PH scale. Which brings me to my next thing a PH tester is a must you can NOT grow successfully without one idc who you are if your guessing ph levels your gonna mess up and lockout essential nutes. As four the plants that are already growing back off with the lights it looks like heat stress and get a ph tester immediately test run off PH levels and water PH level might need to add some liquid dolomite lime to add magnesium calcium and buffer the PH so it doesnt go out of wack again.


Active Member
well not totally restarting im keeping the good one the NLs just wont get more that a couple weeks of veg so i can flower the BM in time to stay small enough for my box. i have only been watering every other day since transplant, and the reason they look wet in every pic is cause that has just happened to be when i water them, but i will keep in mind not to water more than every other day or every third day. and ok so after second true node they come out or after first( not sure if ur counting single serrated leaves as adult)? miracle grow was just what i had on hand for germ before while i was waiting for my FFOF to arrive. What should a ph tester cost me? i wanna stay cheap but not to a fault. and where can i get ph adjuster, i would think i could get those both at lowes or another hardware store but im not sure. could u explain the uses and process for dolomite and calmag? i dont know why i need to add lime to add mag and cal ( not doubting you at all i just dont know). Thanks so much for the pointers!


Active Member
ok i see cal and mag are in the lime. i get it but all i can find on hardware store websites is the bag of bulk dolomite not the liquid stuff? will the bagged stuff work or no???


Active Member
ok no liquid available to me so i got the powder so i can mix that in when i transplant the new beans, so that comes later. How can i use the powder for now on my good plant. also i picked up a ph test and up down kit so il be testing that tomorrow when i water and il get runoff ph as well.


Active Member
ok guys cmon i got my supplies to try to do this the right way and everybody disapears???? is there a way i can make the pulverized lime work on my girl or not? if i can then how?


Active Member
for sure man hopefully johnbudz gets back to me i left a message tellin him i got the shit he told me so with any luck he will let me know, of course if anyone else knows how i can use that lime on an already potted plant to buffer shoot.