Help sex this plant !!!!!


Well-Known Member
im gonna go this weekend get mg potting soil perlite and superthrive and i think they will thrive
Remember that "Super Thrive" is to be used sparingly...if you give too much too often it will kill it...that's why I recommended MG Houseplant food, and if you can't find that at walmart they have an African Violet food that's an even 7-7-7...whereas the Houseplant food is an want something woth an even amounts for veg IMO, and I am almost giving a double dose here at 6 weeks of veg,(I do clones) by the time I go into flower I'll cut back on the N and feed a 10-20-20 for the flower period....and remember get the liquid, it looks like this..
MG houseplant food.jpgMG-african violet.jpg

EDIT: This is what I used on my first grow...My sis in law uses it now (my left overs and my CFLs)....Now I use with Humboldt's more expensive stuff but well worth it...peace...

NOW if by some miracle, you get everything within the week, this grow could still be salvaged and probably turn out nice.

A few Key points :
You can't tell the sex of a plant, until you've given it 24 hours of complete darkness to reset it's internal lighting schedule clock, and then let it grow under 12 hours of light on, and 12 hours of darkness.
It takes 2-4 weeks for Pollen sacks and Pre-flowers to start showing.

I'm 40 days into my grow, and i still don't know the sex of my plants, because i haven't switched them over to flowering mode yet.

Growing Cannabis takes time, patience, and genuine care for your plants. If you don't care enough to not use the right things for growing, you'll end up with shitty weed, or even worse, no weed.

I hope you read this, and take what i've said into account.

We're here to help you, inform you, and overall spread the knowledge and methods we know so that everyone can be capable of growing their own cannabis plants.

Why do a bunch of you think you can't tell the sex of a plant until you give it 24 hours of darkness or even 12/12 lighting schedule? That's is a fast way for sure, sexing a plant. However after a plant has been in veg for long enough it will show on it's own. It usually takes awhile and will not occur until at least the fourth or fifth node up. Some are easier to tell than others but trust me, as they get bigger they either pop off pistols or they show balls. You do not need to stress and plant by what many call "sexing" a plant. I would think it would speed things up to have it on a 20/4 or 18/6 schedule but 24 works as well. It just takes time, unless you really want to know.


New Member
I think the main problem i had at first was ph until i got strips the ph was over 8 In my tap water and my soil was even higher and those only affected the picture i uploaded when i started using rain water and started 4 more seedlings those are doing better then the one that is a week older still haven't got the soil yet I am ordering super hrive today from ebay and also i did give them a small nute burn from mg plant food they sprouted up but i accidentally gave them the nutes a second day cause i was stoned and forgot what bucket of rain had the nutes in but i remembered after the smoke cleared lol but here they are today haven't watered them yet
