HELP: Sick Pinapple Express


Hi Folks,

I wanted to ask you about a Pinapple Express that I've got from Barney's Farm. It's been growing outdoors for a month now, she started to flower a few days ago, same time something started to develop on her lower leaves.

Two weeks ago I gave her a broad spectrum fungicide & pesticide; that's a bummer cause she started flowering so I can't apply it any more...

Any advice ?

Here are some pics:

Much Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I really want to say overwatering. Maybe someone who is more of an expert on plant problems will chime in. Thos bottom leaves almost always turn brown and die but my plants are usually a bit bigger before that happens. When you have such a small plant in such a large container it takes awhile for the soil to really dry out before watering again.

BTW I still think you can use pesticides and what not. I'm not sure why it is a "rule" that you can't treat a flowering plant, but I've sprayed plants into mid flowering. I use pyrithren based insecticides, which I know do not leave a residue for long. Even a light rain washes them away. I don't know what you use though.


Thanks for the heads up!

About the container, I'm using a 1.7 gal. Probably you're right about over-watering, the soil seems to be wet.

Oh, and the pesticide is just a regular one. Below some specs:

- Fungicide Composition:
- Carbendazim: benzimidazole

- Pesticide Composition:
- Dimetoato

Any tips on how to overcome over-watering in Autos ?



Well-Known Member
Wait for it to dry out before watering it again. Even it it takes several days. The roots do not like being constantly saturated.
looks like calcium,magnesium defientcy (cant spell) general organics puts out something that may help called CaMg really good. maybe overwaterd too


Active Member
Thats a bad sign. I lost a couple sativas once in early veg like this. The plant is in distress. If this continues, the plant will be stunted and the production/quality will be affected, or the roots will rot and the plant will die. You are probably overwatering the plants, or, there is a lack of drainage in the pot. If you water the plant while the roots are still wet, it can cause problems. Overwatering the plants early on can suffocate the roots of oxygen and cause them to die. See how the tips of the leaves are burned and/or folded? Roots are in trouble. I am 99% certain of that - root distress. Let soil dry, and then water using a light/medium dose of a high quality comprehensive set of micro-nutrients to cover any nutrient deficiencies the plant may have. I have a feeling the plant is missing some micronutrients, as its a bit too pale. Don't give too much nutes, the soil looks like it has a lot of nutes in them. Or is the soil not draining well?

The stem looks strong. This problem can be quickly fixed and damage reversed if you find the problem soon. Good luck!
Make sure the drainage is good, and then apply regular dose of nutes (with all essential micronutrients), water thoroughly BUT do not water until the soil is completely dry.