HELP, smell is becoming a problem!

ok, im very close to harvest, but my baby smells. i love it, but one of the residents in my home maybe catching on. how to i completley eliminate the smell!?!? i only have one small plant hidden in a closet so it should be easy, just looking for suggestions.:-o
lol im on my last incense right now. im goin on a fabreeze shopping spree 2morow. unfortunatly my room is popular because it has the only working computer in the f*ckn house!


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Go get some ONA gel (14 bucks) and put it near a fan, should help eliminate the smell.
But never put it in your grow room. It's a little late but Ozium is a lifesaver. Get something like Lysol Nutra Air over febreze. You want to eleminate the smell not cover it.

What strain is it? Yes it does make a difference.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
But never put it in your grow room. It's a little late but Ozium is a lifesaver. Get something like Lysol Nutra Air over febreze. You want to eleminate the smell not cover it.

What strain is it? Yes it does make a difference.
Should've mentioned putting the ona gel outside of the grow room, woops. You can buy Ozium spray at autozone for a cpl bucks and it does wonders.


New Member
Carbon filter works wonders outside and in, also Ona Gel works better in conjunction with Ona.

Biggest improvement on smell was getting proper carbon filter, 80 bucks for couple years use not bad.


Active Member
Should've mentioned putting the ona gel outside of the grow room, woops. You can buy Ozium spray at autozone for a cpl bucks and it does wonders.

Walgreens and sam's club also have Ozium. I use Ozium too - even takes care of smoke smells.