HELP! Something is eating my buds!


Well-Known Member
do you happen to have links to these many many websites? and how does covering a wall with a tarp help fungus!?!?!! and how can a tarp make a plant become immune to it?!?!?!
stop digging a hole you don't know what your talking about. and where do you get a tarp that is black on one side and white on the other?
He is on about black and white the plastic stuff they sell at most hydro stores , it's actually shite as it is not 100% light proof , but "total blackout" a bit more expensive is 100%
i think your wasting your breath on that guy , he has not picked up the jist of the thread,Peace


other side of the wall and i let other people use my thing becuase of security reasons and im sorry to confuse you about my post and yes techincally there is a science to it but it is a win lose situation as everyone knows that red light Would make plants grow bigger but its almost not possible but it over produces the plants this also does this with fungus generally killing most of them off but this will also make it probable to kill your plant also so its not a black tarp its a red trasparent sheet of some sort and you putit behind any light and it reflects it off but there needs to be much more studies about it but what hes tlaking about it white on one wal and black on the other but i mean people do what they think is best i guess