Help! Something is killing my plants.


New Member
I had a crop that had some shit like that. Due to some bullshit I got powdery mildew and when there was a lot of it on a leave it would just fuck shit up man. Suck all the life out and make more spores. The leaves turn like grey from the spores and then brown as they die. it's nothin good bro. If it aint PM then look into Botrytis. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick replies, I am not ruling out nute burn, but it just seems to be sporadic for nute burn. It is not on every single plant, and it doesn't neccessarily start on the edge of leaves. I have some leaves that just have one spot on it, in the middle of the leaf. I am only in the second week of flower, so I am thinking I can spray them with an anti-bacteria or anti-fungul and be somewhat safe?


Well-Known Member
Thought I would bump this one more time to see if anyone has any other thoughts on what is causing this?


Well-Known Member
Anyone? I got some fungicide I am going to hit them with before lights out, plus I am going to see if I can't find a decent dehumidifier to bring the humidity, right now I am sitting around 50%-60%, I am thinking if I can get it down to 30% I will at least slow the spread.


Well-Known Member
I am still dealing with this problem. have tried to go through and trim off all the infected leaves, but the next day I check the plants, I see more leaves starting to turn a brownish grey at the edges and it slowly starts to eat the leaf away. Anyone know what this is and what I can do to treat it?


Well-Known Member
I am growing in a coco/perlite mix in 3gal containers under 600watt HPS lights.

I am using AN nutes at the following levels Micro(5-0-1)@4mL/gal, Grow(2-1-6)@4mL/gal, and Bloom(0-5-4)@4mL/gal and a Cal/Mg Supplement(2-0-0)@1mL/gal. My water is pHed around 5.8-6.0, right before I add nutes and I always check after adding nutes to be safe and it remains constant. I usually water when the pots feels light.

I recently bought a dehumidifier, thinking that if it were mold/fungus, it would slow the pread. With the dehumidifier, my humidity hovers right around 40%-50%, with temps usually ranging from 75-85 degrees.

Let me know if you need any more information then what I provided.



Well-Known Member
The leaves aren't close to the light at all, they are bottom leaves of a 3 foot tall plant. I am starting to wonder if this is a phosphorus defiency and not a fungus or mold problem? I only see the issue showing up on bottom leaves and it typically starts on the edge of the leaf. I am giving them bloom nutes as stated above, but I am wondering if it just isn't enough? I do have some Monster Bloom which is loaded with Phosphorous, wonder if I should give them a shot of it on their next feeding? Any thoughts?


Active Member
OK you really need to supply more info....but here is some rough trouble shooting

it looks like it could be light burn .... plus heat stress...have no way of knowing what you did ..

if your lights are not to close and your rooms not too hot and you havent over fed the nutrients and eveything else is perfect then..

at lowes they sell some shit called fungicide3 its in a turquoise bottle with a purple lid that will help a fungal infection and its cheap.

first check these issues

i would take a good look at light height,,,, room temps .... is a fan blowing straight on it???? is it too close to a 1000hps ?? are you blowing ice cold air on it from outside ?
does your room get freezing cold at night you have enough light ...

is your water good are you growing in hydro or soil are you using tap water with lots of chlorine? if so get a filter

are you in soil? if so what kind of mix did you use? does it drain well ? are you over watering it...

nutrients.. what are you feeding it ... are you feeding it to much .. if this is a possibility flush it with plain water until it runs through and out the bottom for a couple of minutes for each plant if your in soil.. if your in hydro drain and flush with plain water. if you plant has been over watered to the poiunt of drowning dont do the flush and let it dry out for three days..

start with 1/2 nutrients see what happens ..

if all these issues are NOT whats going on then when lights are out treat with the fungicide 3 soak roots and the entire plant ....its just a neem oil compound so its safe ... dont spray on buds it will burn them ..dont turn lights on until the leaves dry..or it will burn them...

cut off all dead leaves and get them out of there..

clean up all dead plants shit and clean spray whole room with that fungicidal 3 shit ..pray

good luck


Well-Known Member
I pretty much posted all the information about the grow on this thread and still am leaning toward a possible phosphorous defeciency. I am probably going to get some fungicide and spray just to be safe too.