help something killing seedlings


New Member
i have started my first attempt at growing
my seedlings are outdoors and a week to a week and a half old and something is eating the leave sprouts and also something is eating stalk next to soil and killing them

any ideals on culprits and cheap or free remedies


Well-Known Member
A bunch of things love Cannabis seedlings.

Cutworms will eat through the stem near the ground, while a slug(look for telltale slime trail) will eat both stem and leaves, but rarely eats the entire sprout.

I'd bet it is one of those two things.

Cutworms can be controlled with Bacillus Thuringiensis, also known as Bt or Caterpillar Killer by Safer.

A better idea is to start your seeds in small pots, away from garden pests, and put them in the ground when at least six inches tall.

Good luck!


New Member
the damge is at base where a 1/4 " of outer layer is stripped off of stalk i wish i could upload some pic