Help spider mites


Active Member
So I currently have a small spider mite problem and I'm almost to the Harvest point I'm going to harvest what I can without using any chemicals then I'm going to completely disinfect the room does anybody have any suggestions on what to use to get rid of the mites after my grow is done and what kind of prevention program for the next grow
Plant therapy
Dawn dish soap.

All these will pass all cannabis testing and are very effective.
Spray the entire plant starting w under the leaves. Better yet dip them if possible.
Dip all clones after cut and before transplanting.
Hit me up if you need more specifics.
Seems like everything I read online says safe up till Harvest but then I read comments and People Say It Don't Spray if you have buds
So I currently have a small spider mite problem and I'm almost to the Harvest point I'm going to harvest what I can without using any chemicals then I'm going to completely disinfect the room does anybody have any suggestions on what to use to get rid of the mites after my grow is done and what kind of prevention program for the next grow

Because you're so close to harvest, I'd use a solution of a couple drops of dish soap mixed with a litre of water. Mist the plants, particularly the underside of the leaves. Don't soak the bud sites heavily as this can cause mold.

After harvest, I'd use chlorine bleach and water for an initial cleaning on everything (including pots, tools, venting, fans etc), then mist everything with a mixture of neem oil and water.

After you get new plants growing, a misting of the neem mixture a couple of times a week as a preventative measure until you're confident you don't get any more flare ups.

Do not use neem oil or other solution on the plants that are near ready for harvest.
I honestly feel like I should already be chopped down drying and curing everything was going great and then when the spider mites came everything seems like it came to a screeching halt nothing has changed whatsoever but all of a sudden my biggest colas are starting to pop a few white hairs almost like they're revegging I'm wondering if it's stress from the spider mites cuz I know for a fact there's no light leak but thank you for all the info I really appreciate it
I was to the point I was just waiting for trichimes to turn a bit amber they are like 50/50 right now milky and clear but seems like everything came to a stand still
Dish soap 15ml per gallon sprayed on inderleaves will knock them back a bit to chop. Once they are upside down the mites will run to the base(now upside down) , go ahead and spray daily.
Sanitize everything 2x after w bleach n water. Doesn’t hurt to spray bleach n water either
Do not spray anything other than peroxide or alcohol on the buds or you will regret it. Look up bud washing for after care to get the little buggers off the buds.

50/50 is about peak THC so chop anytime soon then wash the buds before hanging to dry if that's your method.

If you aren't going to have plants in the room for a while make sure the temp is at least 70F so they don't go into hibernation mode and they will starve in a few weeks. Otherwise spray the room down good with bleach water to kill them fast. I had the f'ers for two years but they are gone now. Just left the grow room empty for a month and kept vegging plants upstairs in the spare bedroom. Had mites in there too but that's where I did all the spraying while they were in veg mode. I used Safer's End All concentrate and added 10ml/L canola oil to each batch. 4 sprays, 4 days apart minimum and soak them good so you don't miss a spot each time.

Good luck!

What do u mean knock them back and upside down
Knock them back meaning bring the population down, killing some.
When I chop the plants down I remove all fanleaves and hang the plant upside down.
Few years back when I had mites they would all crawl to the top(remember they are hanging upside down so they are crawling from buds to the stem ends)
They will all acomulate there, spray them daily.
After plants are out of the room clean everything w bleach water, let room get to 90s so the lil fuckers will be active and spray w bleach water daily for about 5 days.
You gotta coat the entire place under/over/between everyrhing

I myself would spray the fuckers/ROOM first with Forbid, then 3 weeks later Avid, and then if they aint gone, Id hit them with Oberon, or Floramite.

Don't go into the room until 12 hours after spraying.

Give it 2 months to clear the chemicals if sprayed directly on vegging plants. Not to be used in flowering, and don't forget to not enter room for 12 hours, then ventilate the shit out of it.

THIS WILL KILL THEM. USUALLY ON THE FIRST SPRAYING, but Id recommend a second spray 3 weeks later to make sure none survived the first spraying, because if they do, they will have a possible immunity to the first chemical. Rotationg chemicals makes sure there is no adaptation to the chemicals.

Mites generally have a 3 weeks reproduction time, and these 3 chemicals kill mites for 4 weeks. 1 week longer than the mite reproduction period.
I got rid of mine without going all nuts with harsh chemicals. Been over 6 months without a bug of any kind. Insecticidal soaps with oil added kills them fine by suffocating them and no bug can build a resistance to suffocation.

Chemical warfare is not required.

I myself would spray the fuckers/ROOM first with Forbid, then 3 weeks later Avid, and then if they aint gone, Id hit them with Oberon, or Floramite.

Don't go into the room until 12 hours after spraying.

Give it 2 months to clear the chemicals if sprayed directly on vegging plants. Not to be used in flowering, and don't forget to not enter room for 12 hours, then ventilate the shit out of it.

THIS WILL KILL THEM. USUALLY ON THE FIRST SPRAYING, but Id recommend a second spray 3 weeks later to make sure none survived the first spraying, because if they do, they will have a possible immunity to the first chemical. Rotationg chemicals makes sure there is no adaptation to the chemicals.

Mites generally have a 3 weeks reproduction time, and these 3 chemicals kill mites for 4 weeks. 1 week longer than the mite reproduction period.

All those sprays just recommended are very harmful to your health. Do not spray those poisons
Do not spray anything other than peroxide or alcohol on the buds or you will regret it. Look up bud washing for after care to get the little buggers off the buds.

50/50 is about peak THC so chop anytime soon then wash the buds before hanging to dry if that's your method.

If you aren't going to have plants in the room for a while make sure the temp is at least 70F so they don't go into hibernation mode and they will starve in a few weeks. Otherwise spray the room down good with bleach water to kill them fast. I had the f'ers for two years but they are gone now. Just left the grow room empty for a month and kept vegging plants upstairs in the spare bedroom. Had mites in there too but that's where I did all the spraying while they were in veg mode. I used Safer's End All concentrate and added 10ml/L canola oil to each batch. 4 sprays, 4 days apart minimum and soak them good so you don't miss a spot each time.

Good luck!

What part of alcohol to water will it hurt my buds
Screw it I'm basically at the point where I've lost so much of this Harvest I just went ahead and tried the alcohol method right before the lights turned off for the night I did like one out of ten part and it was 50% alcohol I sprayed bottom up but with the fans and everything else going hit basically soaked everything if it winds up killing the plant I'll just chop it down get what I can out of it if it's non smokable and taste like shit I'll cook it down to butter