Help! sprout doing weird shit


Active Member
So I have a grow journal in which I post regularly geared towards helping newbies in the future from start to finish with good comments and feedback. Noone seems to be following it so Ill have to make separate threads for my own personal questions.

To sum it up My Trans Siberian Autoflower Plant is badass..... thing cracked the seed, and grew long taproot right after 2 days of towel germination, moved it into my rockwool, put it in hydro ton and keep her rockwool moist, and she is almost ahead of schedule.....

I was a moron and killed my other sour diesel seed from opening the rockwool and seeing if the root was growing because the 1st plant was doing so well (killed it), so this being 2 days after My first plant sprouted and was making tons of roots I planted ANOTHER power kush auto flower seed (Ideally I want 2 plants. My first plant is almost 8 days old and is off and running, my second sprout is 5 days old and Ive been worried from the start see pictures. At first it grew out with one of its colytedon leaves wouldn't open (seems to have curled heavily) the other 3 leaves looked great and the root pushed down into my reservoir, water level is about 1/2 inch away from the mesh cups using aero ponics (plus i have been watering when rock wool is dry*). I woke up this morning and the sprouts leaves are pointing upwards, somehow the heat was up 95 (I think because all the CFLs im using so im gonna build a bigger box and put lights a little further away).

My question now that you have the background info:

is this normal for my power kush auto sprout to do this? It didn't happen with my Trans Siberian.
Do I have too much light on it too early?
I had to nute lightly since its week 2+ for my beautiful plant but only 5 days for my sprout, could that be it? no discoloration
I have about 65w of CFL within 2 inches of it, is that too much right now?
Why is the diesel sprout pointed upwards? is it trying to actually get to the light or something, WHAT AM I DOING WRONG FOR THIS F****IN SPROUT!!!! I think if i can stabilize her with light or whatever she will be okay since the roots ARE growing



Well-Known Member
The only thing I see that concerns me is the Zebra stripe duct tape. Frightening.

Also if your cab temps are getting into the 90's your going to have serious res issues. May want to address that asap.


Active Member
lmao I had to put that in my grow journal, my supermarket legit only had zebra stripes..... ridiculous, but It's just weird, seems like the fan leaves are pointing upwards when they werent last night you know? got me sketched out, and its just taking a lot of time for upward growth, that trans siberian is a juggernaut of steel though, love it so far


Active Member
Also, I think im gonna knock out the left wall and made my box bigger, that should regulate the temp a little better, I just have so many lights running and when I sleep I usually cover the vents (air still easily gets through but I think i'm gonna have to stop doing that) I woke up with it in the low 90's, without the vents covered its anywhere from 85-90 so I think a bigger boat is in order.

banks dank

Active Member
So your grow room temp is in the 90s but your only using 65w worth of cfl???

Somethins not adding up.. do u live in the sahara by chance?

I may be looking at the pics wrong, if your growing in a cabinet or some small enclosure look into getting a fan that can extract the hot air out...

and honestly 65w aint gonna grow shit so consider forking over some cash and buy yourself some more cfl's or even better a small hid lamp...

if heats a concern, check out t5 lighting...

those temps are gonna fuck everything up especially considering u have a small hydro setup. Im guessing your res temp is fucked too...

good luck with your grow


Well-Known Member
I laughed reading the title of this thread.
Then I witness the zebra tape, icing on the cake my friend. Hahaha


Well-Known Member
The plant is not the one doing the weird shit. You are. Not to come across as an asshole but that whole setup is nothing but a fire hazard. There's nothing wrong with DIY, but at least don't half ass it. Ventilation will be a problem in you future, oh and fire. Have fun getting baked while your house burns down


Active Member
Whats the res temp supposed to be? its just warm like bathwater. I have at least 165w of lighting going on in there as of now, check out the pics there's like 8 lights lol they are behind so they may look like one light, I added a few more lights the other day since my other plant seems to be able to handle it and it seems to be the Culprit of my temperature, , I'm expanding the box to allow more air, should I flush my res? this was the first time it got up into the 90's (because of the extra lights I added) . I have two intake fans at plant level and a huge exhaust fan on the roof of the box I just want some insight on why that plant seems to be folding upwards, do I have too much light on it? I have about 65w over the sprout (because its just a sprout) and about 90w over the larger plant, Mixed spectrum, 30w of the 155w is warm 2700k the rest are 6500k cools.


Well-Known Member
Whats the res temp supposed to be? its just warm like bathwater. I have at least 165w of lighting going on in there as of now, check out the pics there's like 8 lights lol they are behind so they may look like one light, I added a few more lights the other day since my other plant seems to be able to handle it and it seems to be the Culprit of my temperature, , I'm expanding the box to allow more air, should I flush my res? this was the first time it got up into the 90's (because of the extra lights I added) . I have two intake fans at plant level and a huge exhaust fan on the roof of the box I just want some insight on why that plant seems to be folding upwards, do I have too much light on it? I have about 65w over the sprout (because its just a sprout) and about 90w over the larger plant, Mixed spectrum, 30w of the 155w is warm 2700k the rest are 6500k cools.
And you're in a cardboard box? :-?


Active Member
Maybe back the lights off her a little bit and see how she responds. In the 3rd pic, it looks like that side is slanted down towards her. Worth a shot anyway.

banks dank

Active Member
Constructive criticism u got it...

ok first off is that a rubbermaid with 2 plants?

Ok different strains take different amounts of nutes so hopefully yours are of the same strain...however, im not sure if it will come into play on ur grow on account that u will prolly not be vegging them for to long so they should have an pretty simular nute schedule...
Pretty much if I was u I would consider seperating them so to avoid the above problem, plus if something goes wrong u will have another plant, and they wont be competing with one another. Plus half the amount of res filling...


You have a bunch of space blankets (electrical conducting) haphazarly
thrown up, it looks rather unsecure and its hanging over a water filled reservoir. ..

water+conducting material+electric current+in a cardboard box= fire hazard.

secure your shit, be conscious of potential disasters, preventive action over emergency action.get a fire extinguisher.

Third, your sells small cfls with a reflective dome for cheap it would be wise to look at those if moneys tight. But ur lights are kinda silly man...

4th its a cardboard box. Im all for growing but is that even light proof?
Consider this, what if your little cardboard box filled with water and electrical outlets tips over? Whats gonna happen?
I'm all about growing on a budget but how much does plywood and a couple of nails from Lowes cost?
I bet if you look in your garage hard enough you could find the necessary materials to construct something much safer.

u asked about res temp...heres your homework go look at oxygen levels vs water temp and figure it out. Find out why and how tempature effects oxygen levels.

good luck with your grow man and keep on readin!


Well-Known Member
you could cut back on the amount of light your using at the moment till they get bigger and you have addressed the problem.

also whenever my plants leaves point up to the light i see it as the plant is smiling and happy. lol

as for 2 different strains i just wouldnt try to push the limits on the nutes and find a happy median down the line. but you are going to have to cater to the smaller plant that is behind untill they can handle the same stuff. i would maybe look into just getting 1 or 2 very large CFLs then use the other lights for side lighting possibly. even when using CFL they will put out alot of heat without some sort of ventillation is going to cook so leave it open or installa computer fan to push out the hot air up top and have a passive hole at the bottom or another fan at the bottom.

if money isnt so much of an issue you could look into some LED lighting but if this is your first grow just try to get through it and save money for the next grow from this one either by not having to buy cannabis or by distributing the meds to your patient(s).

res temps can get up into the 80s and 90s but it leads to problems alot faster with root rot and bad bacteria. get some sort of beneficial bacteria or something that helps keep your res clean. dont run your pump non stop because that will heat your water also. get some reflectix or something of that sort and put it around your res to help maintain temps.

I have seen people make their own cab from computer cases or portable closets or actual cabinents or refrigerators and such. be creative. your cardboard will get wet eventually and it can grow mold or become weak and your lights could fall down etc. or go buy some pvc pipe and some corners and elbows and stuff and get some plastic liner like panda plastic or something and create a little tent that way shouldnt cost that much. actual grow tents can be got for like 70 bucks on amazon. if this seems to expensive then your probably not ready for this hobby and should save a little bit atleast a few hundred bucks.


Well-Known Member
when the leaves point towards the ceiling. That's referred to as praying leaves. That's a good thing. It means the stomata are more open and absorbing more photons.. Which in turn equates for faster veg time and better yields.. My leaves are constantly praying. I wouldn't have it any other way.


Well-Known Member
Constructive criticism u got it...

ok first off is that a rubbermaid with 2 plants?

Ok different strains take different amounts of nutes so hopefully yours are of the same strain...however, im not sure if it will come into play on ur grow on account that u will prolly not be vegging them for to long so they should have an pretty simular nute schedule...
Pretty much if I was u I would consider seperating them so to avoid the above problem, plus if something goes wrong u will have another plant, and they wont be competing with one another. Plus half the amount of res filling...


You have a bunch of space blankets (electrical conducting) haphazarly
thrown up, it looks rather unsecure and its hanging over a water filled reservoir. ..

water+conducting material+electric current+in a cardboard box= fire hazard.

secure your shit, be conscious of potential disasters, preventive action over emergency action.get a fire extinguisher.

Third, your sells small cfls with a reflective dome for cheap it would be wise to look at those if moneys tight. But ur lights are kinda silly man...

4th its a cardboard box. Im all for growing but is that even light proof?
Consider this, what if your little cardboard box filled with water and electrical outlets tips over? Whats gonna happen?
I'm all about growing on a budget but how much does plywood and a couple of nails from Lowes cost?
I bet if you look in your garage hard enough you could find the necessary materials to construct something much safer.

u asked about res temp...heres your homework go look at oxygen levels vs water temp and figure it out. Find out why and how tempature effects oxygen levels.

good luck with your grow man and keep on readin!
THIS :hump:


Active Member
when the leaves point towards the ceiling. That's referred to as praying leaves. That's a good thing. It means the stomata are more open and absorbing more photons.. Which in turn equates for faster veg time and better yields.. My leaves are constantly praying. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Probably to the Sun God, Ra.
...but is there something a mortal can do to keep them praying like that? Is there an advice you would like to give me? :)


Well-Known Member
Its growing...its not banging your girlfriend. Looks like everything's good.

If it was banging your girlfriend, that would be some weird shit.


Well-Known Member
Probably to the Sun God, Ra.
...but is there something a mortal can do to keep them praying like that? Is there an advice you would like to give me? :)
good full spectrum lighting, compost teas, seed sprout enzyme teas, botanical teas, foliar sprays with kelp meal / aloe Vera mix
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