Help, sprouts are falling over


Hello, I have just started growing. Everything looked great until one day when I looked at my plants and two had fallen over. After doing some research I realized that my lights were way to high and had caused stretching. I lowered the light (twice now). Its a CFL 60 watt 5500K bulb I have on them(I have two more, but idw to give them too much light). I now have the two stacked up, one looks to be getting a little better, the other looks bad. I re-planted that one a little lower, and lowed the light again. The temp inside my cabinet is around 76-80ish. I'm try and include pictures. Please anyone with ideas or thoughts please help, I would really like to have all three of these to grow if possible. WP_20130226_001.jpgWP_20130226_002.jpgWP_20130226_003.jpgWP_20130226_004 (2).jpg


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
The light needs to be only inches away. Just far enough not to burn them. Also you can pot them up and bury those long stems.


Ok I moved the lights down, how far should I re-pot the ones with long stems? Also do you believe they can come back after this?

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
No need to skimp on the Light cause its GROW TIME!! .. Give em what you got and get them as close as possible without getting too hot or burning them.. Also make sure they are getting some wind. A Light Breeze is required in order to develop Stem Strength.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I use a 2' 4 bulb T5 setup and mine are usually within two inches of the top of the plant. You can pot the stems up to about 1/4" from the cotyledons.


I always find it funny when newbs treat a CFL like an HID
Yea your right, completely funny. If only there was a place a noobie could ask experience people what to do. Damn if only someone would invent a website that does that. Ok smartass, if you don't have anything helpful to say, stfu

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
you can repot deeper in soil just make sure pot is deeper and cfls should be 2" away or closer then you will be moving the light up every other day hopefully .man i hated moving them so much but you will upgrade like everyone else eventually


Well-Known Member
Bury the plant as advised. Roots will take from the sides of the stem you bury. Get that CFL right on top and the CFL is fine to veg with. Keep air moving but do NOT beat the plants with it. Wind beaten plants look like some forms of nutrient overdose and people begin treating for that needlessly.


Well-Known Member
Add soil to the top of your peat pot. I would then place the entire pot in my final container, matching soil levels. The roots will penetrate the peat pot and if needed sometimes I will bend some 14 gauge wire and make a loop on the end of a 5" piece and bend it to support the stem then stick it beside the plant for support. In a few day's the stem will toughen up. Don't let them dry out, as peat will suck the moisture out of the medium quickly. I hope this might help.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
will re-potting the plants hurt any?
Nope not at all. Matter of fact it will really help them as they'll grow roots all along that stem section. Oh and don't let the snarky comments upset you. I'm a newbie too. This is only my second year growing. You'll be amazed how fast you'll learn and currently you are doing fine. We ALL have leggy seedlings at some point. This is how you learn to garden, by doing it!

Best of luck on your grow (you'll do fine) and welcome to RIU just ask anything you'll get some silly answers and a lot of good answers. There are some real growing pros around here.

Ted420 is that a 2x4 Secret Jardin tent? If so how do you like it? I'm considering one for my seedlings/clones. I use a 4x4 for veg and a room for flower. Usually I have the extra room in my veg tent but it would be nice to have an extra area available in a pinch.