Help starting outdoor grow


Active Member
Im a first time outdoor grower, i was reading quite alot. A couple days ago i germinated my seed and put them in a small pot, i waited for them to sprout then once it sprouted i put the pot against the window. I was wondering if this is good to start off with, because my little sprouted plant looks dead and it just sprouted, I was also wondering how much should i water it to start off with and when do i bring it outside



Well-Known Member
first of all, it would of been a better idea to start the seedling under a CFL light for about 1-2 weeks then transplant outside when the weather permits but you can also put the pot by a window, the seedling will not get that much light though. Remember to only water when your soil is dry for about the first 2-3 inches, which usually occurs every 2-3 days on average, i have to water once a day but only because the heat evaporates all the water from my grow medium.


Well-Known Member
yeah i would put it/them under a CFL for at least a week maybe longer, also get a decent fan on it/them to strengthen the stems. then after they have 2nd set of leaves you need to harden them off to outside, this means you have to put them outside for 1 hour the first day, 2 hours the second day, 4 hours the third day.........after a week they should be fully outside and never ever be brought back into the house unless its a hurricane or some other really harsh weather conditions.

if you bring them back in they will un harden and then you will have to repeat the process.

check google for your end frost date and plan to harden them off to be outside for that day. Mj can take a frost to the face pretty good in the fall but not in the spring.

you want to choose a location outside that gets as much sun as possible, Mj is a sun loving nympho and will take all she can get. they do not like partial shade and they do not like 90+ degree heat, a couple days of this is ok but if you live in an area that has temps above 90 constantly and frequently you may want to construct some form of temporary shade for midsummer days 11:00-3:00 is usually the hottest time of day. everyone says Mj is a weed and it will grow with dirt and water, and while they are right to a certain extent it also has its limitations.

Mj likes to be fed, but not over fed
Mj likes 70-85 degree weather, up to 90 is Ok anything over will take some work on your behalf to protect her
Mj likes to drink but dosent like to swim
Mj likes LIGHT and lots of it, any competition for the light and the plant will stretch and thats not good
Mj like a breeze but not a hurricane...

see where im going with this, the plant loves the elements but overdoing anything will certainly end in despair :)

:peace: and happy growing


Active Member
Perfect guys, really helped alot.
Since i have to put the plant under cfl lights for a week, how long would i have to have the light on for?
Would it work having it by my window?
And do i give my plant light as soon as it sprouts even if the shell is still on the plant?