HELP! Starting over :( POWDER MILDEW


Active Member

Hello . I am looking here for some advice .3 months ago I discovered WPM on some of my leaves in flower man did it spread fast ! I battled it my sniping , spraying ect .

It’s now appearing where I veg a few plants the same strains I’ve had over 6 yrs , ya total bummer ....I have sprayed with defender (Sulfur ) it helps but it still comes back. It’s not a lot but it is there I just have to look for it .

So WPM is systemic , I learned through reading . Chances are if 1 has it they al have it . This really sucks cause of all the work and time I put in to keep these strains .

Anyhow ,
I have decided maybe it’s time to scrap it and start over . I have a Sulfur burner on the way to get me through .

My plan is to start over with new seeds after burning Sulfur a bunch in the veg and flower area . Just 2 small rooms . Along with cleaning lots like I would normally . Is this the right plan does anyone has exp. with this ?

Can you offer anything else please comment !
Thank you for reading
I don't believe WPM is systemic. Anyhow 1 tablespoon of potassium bicarbonate per gallon of water put into a sprayer and then sprayed on your plant will get rid of WPM, but if you don't fix your environment it will come back. But I still use the old way of getting rid of it because plants try to do the same thing. Anyhow, I still do white vinegar and water dunks, 16 parts water / 1 part white vinegar to kill WPM, then rinse and air dry. I have two of them narrow 40 gallon drums that I fill with 32 gallons of water and 2 gallons of white vinegar. I then flip the plants over and dunk them in there for 15 - 30 second, then I pull them out and let them sit for 2 minutes, then I dunk them in my other drum that just has 32 gallons of water in it for another 15 - 30 seconds, and then they get fan dried. And that kills WPM on contact and leaves no kind of residue on the plant! And the reason I do it that way... because years ago I was taught from a old farmer i worked for that certain plants create what is called "Indole-3-acetic acid", better known as IAA, and they use it to build and fortify cell walls, but they also secrete it as a defense mechanism against many fungi and other pests. That's why a lot of cannabis strains have a natural ability to defend their self against some 80 different molds and mildews. But some simply cannot , and that's for many different reasons, for example, (ie; breeding, being grown in a hostile environment [where they would never encounter many different kinds of fungi where they had naturally evolved], etc, etc)
Thx for the response . It is systemic to the best of my knowledge! I tried the potassium bicarbonate as well . It hurt my foliage ... I suspected it may be cause I used Sulfur sprays 14-17days prior ..
PM is a natural and abundant spore in the air we breath. It will always be present and will bloom and impact your crop when conditions are right.

eliminating it from your spaceship won’t work. It is already all over the surface of leaves naturally. You need to correct whatever is in your environment that is creating.

Make sure you have air movement throughout the canopy. You will be surprised what one more fan can do. Also keep your humidity down.

I would take some cuts and dip them in Green Cure, then clean up your rooms. You should be able to make a few corrections and eliminate the issue.
I agree . But Never had a problem in 15 yrs I brought it in from a cut .
There is miss info floating around about wpm not being systemic. Green cure is a potassium bicarbonate product right ?
I’ve decided to start over anyway with new seeds along with a lot of cleaning .was looking for someone that has had to do this
I would start with the milk method then go to greencure or other types.
the milk is supposed to fill all the nooks and crannys of the plant and harbor beneficial bacteria that eradicates the PM , Systemically

other stuff is designed for in budding and whatnot. Some people use Neem. I stopped using neem last grow, I like what it does, but not sure about the taste after during later flower applications. I ended up doing a preventative early flower/late veg.
I would rather promote bad and good organisms and let them fight early veg, then mid -late veg or early flower... kill em off. then early to end flower nothing but rinses or nothing to allow the shit to all break downn