help, stopped growing


Active Member
plant is just about 10 weeks old. grew great until about a week and a half ago and it just stopped growing its about 9" tall. the plant is a dark green with nice healthy leaves but hasn't grown in a week and a half. i have another plant growing that i started 2 weeks after the other one and is growing strong. its about 4 inches taller then the older plant. theres light green on top of the older plant showing signs of fresh growth but just wont grow anymore. could it be over fed? should i flush it? not enough light? i have 5 100W cfl.


Active Member
just from experience the one that isn't growing is probably a female and the one that is shooting up real fast is probably a male. You need to change the light cycle to 12/12 if its 10 weeks old cause the reason it isn't growing is cause its ready to flower and produce buds. If you do this to you can tell if the other is a male cause it will get lil nut sacs (chop it down if it is unless you want seeds)


Well-Known Member
What are you feeding? What is the strain? How long since flushed? How long in and what size is the pot? Need much more info. GL HH


Active Member
the one with the issue is about 10 weeks. its 8 and a half inches tall and very bushy. im using fox farm soil and now 6 100w cfl for the 2 plants. im feeding it with miracle gro plant food 12-4-8. the container is 4 gallons. i was feeding the plant through the water which was distilled water for the first month. im currently misting the leaves about twice a week with the food and using distilled water with some vinegar to balance the ph level of the soil for watering. what should i change? should i flower now? it hasn't grown in a week and a half. what nutes will i need for flowering? should i have used a different nute for vegatating?


Well-Known Member
Was there a pH prob that made you need to correct with vinager?? How much vinager? What's the pH now?? I'm thinking you may have your soil too acidic, and the plants may be having difficulty uptaking the nutes. If you can't check the pH I'd run about 10 gal. (yes ten, 'cause your pots are 4 gal.) plain water through the pot to flush it well, and not use any additives other than molasses for one week. As far as your nutes go---no MG for me but everyone has diff pref. I like FloraNova. GL HH