Help!!! Strains have induced flowering under 24hrs light and are not autoflower

Ok guys, i need help. I ordered seeds from attitude seed bank a few months back. the strains i received were; paradise seeds wappa, nebula, acid. world of seeds diamond line space, and an autoflowering strain called royal queen as a freebie. I planted them in november last month, on the 14th. they are pretty big now, but when i went to look at them today, every single strain has induced flowering. The problem is that i havent changed the light cycle. i keep them on 24hrs of light... maybe i light stressed them to induce flowering? i didn't think that would happen on 24hr cycle. I have heard that some strains take on traits of other strains if grown nearby. I have all the strains including a master lavender strain that i have obtained in the same area. Please help me, im confused and dont know what's goin on. has anyone heard of anything like this? any input would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member

As a plant matures it will show sex even in veg lighting, now, If you are actually budding out then.....??????
yes, it seems like pre flowers. and no i dont have pics, but they are definitely pistils coming out, and mainly starting up at the tops. I'm thinking maybe attitude seeds sent me all autoflowering strains... cuz nothing else is making any sense. but maybe they are just "pre flowering"????? but doesn't that mean that it's in flower now? and trying to get a flowering plant to reveg takes a lot of time doesn't it? anyway, i complained to attitude accusing them of sending me all autoflower seeds, so lets see what happens.