Help, suddenly I have seeds everywhere!


Well-Known Member

Okay, the first three picture I posted that link to my gallary are all the same plant. The next three pictures in the two post are another plant and the last picture is a third.

Are the little yellow 'bananas' dicks that my girls have grown? They look kind of like a leaf comming out but from what I understand they are a sign of a hermie. I can't seem to find anything I can identify as a pollen sack, other than the seeds that I have everywhere. I don't think I can tell the difference between a seed and a pollen sack.

All of the yellow bananas are on the top bloom only, I can't find any on the lower bud. Is this typical for a hermie or does it mean something else? More help will be aPpreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
If it has hairs, it is female

If it has balls (pollen sacks) it is male

If it has both hairs, and balls, it is a hermie.

Look throughout the nodes see if you can find hairs or balls or both on the plant.


Well-Known Member
How do you tell the difference between a ball and a seed in one of the buds at a node? What are the little yellow dick in amongst the hairs?


Well-Known Member
i just found some seeds in one of my three plants and am kind of bummed out. i cant guess where the pollen came from. but theyll make good honey oil.